Calendars and Scheduling

Use the tools below to help you find the date, time and location of an upcoming case or to see the daily and weekly judicial assignments.

The sections here contain several online resources to help you with Calendar and Scheduling issues.  Use them to find the time and location of your court appearance or to assist you in rescheduling.

General Questions about Case Scheduling

When is my case scheduled for court?
Where is my case scheduled for court?
How do I reserve an ITV (video conferencing) courtroom?
Who is the signing judge?
How do I get a transcript of a court hearing?
Have I/has my client been charged yet?
How do I handle a warrant?
Why am I scheduled for court at 6:00 PM on Friday?

Answers to the next three questions depend on the type of case:


How do I request that a Criminal or Traffic Court case be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


How do I request that a Civil Court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?

Civil Commitment

How do I request that a Civil Commitment Court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


How do I request that a Conciliation Court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?

Domestic Abuse/Harassment

How do I request that a Domestic Abuse or Harassment Court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


How do I request that a Family Court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


How do I request that a Housing Court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


How do I request that a Juvenile court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


How do I request that a Probate court date be continued?
What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?


General Questions

When is my case scheduled for court?
 If you think your case is scheduled within the next seven days, search the Alpha Case Roster to find the date, time, and location of your court appearance.  Otherwise, most case information can be found online using the Access Case Records feature of the State Judicial Website.  If you can't find the information online, call the appropriate office at one of the numbers on the "Contact Us" list (Civil, Criminal, Juvenile, etc.) on this page.

Where is my case scheduled for court?

  • For cases heard within the next seven days, the Alpha Case Roster can provide the date, time, and location of the hearing.
  • If you know the date and presiding judge and the case is more than a week away, check our Weekly Judicial Schedule online.
  • If the hearing is today, check the Daily Judicial Schedule tabbed section of this page.
  • If you don't know the date and judge, check online or call our office at the appropriate number under Contact Us (Civil, Criminal, Juvenile, etc.) on this page.

How do I reserve an ITV (video conferencing) courtroom?

If you need to reserve an ITV Courtroom in Ramsey County, please contact the Administrative Services Division at (651) 266-8304. After confirming the Courtroom’s availability you will need to contact Minnesota IT Services 651-431-2070  to complete the reservation.  For more information about courtroom technology, visit the Courtroom Technology Resources tab of our Court Administration page.

Who is the signing judge?
To locate today's signing judge, visit the Daily Judicial Schedule tabbed section of this page.

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How do I get a transcript of a court hearing?
Call Administrative Services at (651) 266-8302 and make the request. A file number and a date of hearing is needed to refer you to the court reporter.

Have I/has my client been charged yet?
Visit Access Case Records on the Judicial Branch web site to see if the case is there. If you are unable to locate the case, contact the Criminal Division at (651) 266-1999.

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How do I handle a warrant?
Visit the Warrants section of the Criminal Division page on this site or call the Criminal Division directly at (651) 266-1999.

Why am I scheduled for court at 6:00 PM on Friday?
You are on call for trial. This is a non-appearance court session. You will receive notice once it is set for trial.

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Criminal and Traffic Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Criminal or Traffic court date be continued?
 Whether a continuance can be granted in a Criminal matter depends on the history of the case.  Call the Criminal/Traffic Division at (651) 266-1999 to see what can be done.  You may need to get the consent of the prosecutor or judge.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
 Call our office at (651) 266-1999 immediately and follow the clerk's instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
 Call our office at (651) 266-1999 immediately to find out what happened and what must be done to get your case back on the judicial calendar.
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Civil Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Civil court date be continued?
If a hearing or trial must be rescheduled, you must contact the Civil Case Manager for that case to see what can be done.
For contact information and instructions, visit the Daily Schedule tab.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
Call the Civil Case Manager  for that case to see what can be done.
For contact information and instructions, visit the Daily Schedule tab.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Check online or call (651) 266-8253 Option #5 to find out what happened.  Your options will depend on the judge's ruling.

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Civil Commitment Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Civil Commitment court date be continued?
If you are represented, contact your attorney.  Otherwise, call the court at (651) 266-2804 for instructions.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
What should I do if I missed a court appearance?

Call the court at (651) 266-2804 immediately for instructions.

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Conciliation Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Conciliation court date be continued?
Send a letter to the Conciliation Court. The letter must be received by Conciliation Court five (5) working days before the hearing and must clearly state the reason why you cannot be at the hearing. Usually only one continuance is granted.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
Call the court at (651) 266-8230 immediately for instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Check online or call (651) 266-8230 to find out what happened.  If you don't appear, the court may dismiss your claim or award a default judgment against you. This may happen even if you originally brought the claim.

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Domestic Abuse / Harassment Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Domestic Abuse or Harassment court date be continued?
Submit a request in writing (in person, by mail or fax) as soon as possible. The request will be forwarded to the Referee or Judge and the response, if any, will be provided to you. Submitting the request does not excuse you from appearing.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
Call the court at (651) 266-5130 immediately for instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Call (651) 266-5130 immediately for information.

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Family Court Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Family court date be continued?
Submit a written Request for Continuance for a new hearing date to Family Court in Room 160. A form is available for cases involving child support. The court will also accept a letter. Send a copy of the request to all other parties in the case. The judicial officer will issue an order granting or denying your request or a scheduling clerk will contact you.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?

Call the court at (651) 266-2842 immediately for instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Call (651) 266-2842 immediately for information.

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Housing Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Housing court date be continued?
Call the court at (651) 266-8230 to see what can be done.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
Call the court at (651) 266-8230 immediately for instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Call (651) 266-8230 to find out what happened.  If you don't appear, the court may rule against you.

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Juvenile Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Juvenile court date be continued?
 Call the Juvenile Court at (651) 266-5115 to see if this is possible. Call as soon as possible. The answer will depend on the level of offense, whether continuances have been granted to you before, and the type of hearing.  Same-day continuances are not commonly granted.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
Call the court at (651) 266-5115 immediately for instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Call the court at (651) 266-5115 for information.

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Probate Case Scheduling

How do I request that a Probate court date be continued?
Call the court at (651) 266-8145 to make your request.

What should I do if I'm going to be late for a court appearance?
Call the court at (651) 266-8145 immediately for instructions.

What should I do if I missed a court appearance?
Check online to see if an Order has been filed or call the court at (651) 266-8145 to find out what happened.

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Alpha Roster

Ramsey County Weekly Public Court Calendar»

  • The Alpha Roster (Weekly Public Court Calendar) is a list of non-confidential cases scheduled for court within the next five weekdays, including today.  In other words, Monday’s report includes Monday through Friday, Tuesday’s report includes Tuesday through the following Monday, and so forth.
  • Cases are listed alphabetically by participant name.
  • Court calendars reflect scheduled courtroom hearings, but they do not include all matters handled by the court each day.  Confidential cases and cases that are not remotely accessible under Minn. R. Pub. Access 8, subd. 2 are not posted in this calendar. If your case does not appear on the calendar, do not assume that your court appearance has been cancelled or rescheduled.  Information in the calendar is subject to the MN Rules of Public Access
  • The calendar is in searchable .PDF format.  When you open the file, use your browser’s search feature to locate the case using either the name of the case participant or the case number.
  • If your case is scheduled more than seven days out, use the Judicial Branch MNCIS Public Access feature to find the court date.  If you fail to locate the record, you may need to search by case number rather than by name.

Location Key for the Alpha Roster:

402 Building402 Commitments Court
Courthouse – City Hall/Main Courthouse in St. Paul
Hearing Office – Room 130 of the Main Courthouse
JFJCJuvenile Family Justice Center
LECLaw Enforcement Center
Room 190 – Room 190 of the Main Courthouse
SuburbanSuburban Site in Maplewood
Suburban Hearing OfficeSuburban Site in Maplewood

Using Your Browser's Search Feature

How you search the Alpha Roster will depend on which browser your PC or mobile device uses.  Here are some of the more common browsers along with instructions on using their “Search” or “Find” features:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
In the Menu Bar: Click Edit and select Find
Microsoft Edge:
In the Address Bar: Click on the ellipsis (…) and select Find on Page
Google Chrome:
In the Address Bar: Click on the Customize and Control button (three horizontal lines) and select Find…
Apple Safari:
Click the Upload icon and scroll right to Find on Page.  Use up and down arrows to toggle through multiple results.

Daily Assignment Roster
Wednesday March 26, 2025
Case Type
AM Signing Judge
PM Signing Judge
Judge Sheu - All signing handled electronically
Judge Sheu - All signing handled electronically
Judge A. Yang - All signing handled electronically
Judge Gordon - All signing handled electronically
Juvenile & Family
Judge Bierwerth - All signing handled electronically
Judge Bierwerth - All signing handled electronically

Weekly Judicial ScheduleRamsey County Weekly Judicial Schedule (DistCal)
  • The DistCal (Weekly Judicial Schedule) is an 8 to 12-week schedule of judicial assignments—where judges, referees, and magistrates will be in the upcoming weeks and what they will be doing.
  • When you open the file, use your browser’s search feature to quickly find a name or date or use the scroll bar to move from page to page.

Abbreviation Key:

1st/OH – First appearances and Omnibus Hearings
10DD Jury Trials - Ten-day Demand Jury Trials
3A, 4A, 5A, 3B, 4B, 5B – Courtroom numbers at the Juvenile Family Justice Center
840 through 1670 – Courtroom and chambers room numbers at the Main Courthouse
Chambers - Available for signing Criminal Complaints
Commitments402 Commitments Court Building
Crim Hrg - Criminal Hearings
DA PT - Domestic Abuse Pre-trials
Fel – Felony
GM – Gross Misdemeanor
IC - Implied Consent Hearings
JFJC Juvenile Family Justice Center
LEC Law Enforcement Center
Misd – Misdemeanor
Misd PT/OH - Misdemeanor Pre-trials and Gross Misdemeanor Omnibus Hearings
MW Suburban Site in Maplewood (May be followed by city abbreviation and courtroom number A or B)
Petty Court - Petty Misdemeanor Court Trials
PSC-MHC - Mental Health Court
PSC-SAC - Substance Abuse Court
PSC-VTC - Veterans Court
PT - Pre-trial Hearings
PV – Probation violation Hearings
SCAP - Supreme Court Appeals Panel
Sent – Sentencing
Sub Suburban Site in Maplewood
TBA – To be assigned

Using Your Browser's Search Feature

Microsoft Internet Explorer
In the Menu Bar: Click Edit and select Find
Microsoft Edge:
In the Address Bar: Click on the ellipsis (…) and select Find on Page
Google Chrome:
In the Address Bar: Click on the Customize and Control button (three horizontal lines) and select Find…
Apple Safari:
Click the Upload icon and scroll right to Find on Page.  Use the up and down arrows if there are multiple results.
MNCIS (MPA) CalendarsMinnesota Trial Court Public Access can provide an entire calendar if you specify the judicial officer and the date.  You can also specify a date range to find upcoming court dates.
Note: Pre-disposition Criminal cases and confidential information will not display.
  • Click on the link below.
  • Read and agree to the terms of use.
  • At the Home screen, specify Court Calendar.
  • At the Court Calendar screen, search by Judicial Officer or by Date Range
Minnesota Trial Court Public Access »

Court Calendar View of MPA