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Court Hearing and Warrant Resolution Information


Court Hearing Information

The judges and staff in the Second Judicial District are working hard to assist people in resolving issues during this global pandemic. If you or someone you care about has been arrested, detained or received a citation, you may have missed a court date. We want you to know when and where to appear for court. Please use the contact information below for more information or to schedule your hearing.
Many court hearings can now be handled remotely on your smart phone or computer.  If you don’t have a smart phone or computer, we can help you get online at locations in the community, or we can arrange for your hearing to be in person.  If you do have to come to one of our Courthouse locations, we can assure you that we are taking every possible precaution to ensure your safety in our buildings.

Warrant Resolution Information

If you or someone you care about has a warrant out for their arrest, or if you are unsure, please contact the court. There may be options for resolution.

Contact Us

Phone: (651) 266-1999
