Ramsey County Self-Help

Contact us by email
(651) 266-5125

If you are not represented by an attorney, you can find helpful information about your legal problem through Self-Help Services.


The Ramsey County District Court Self-Help Service Center helps people who are representing themselves in Family Court cases, Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Criminal Expungements, and Civil Name Changes. Please visit the Family Court, Criminal Expungement, and Name Change tabs for more information about these services.

Services Do Not Include:

Visit HelpTopics for information on common legal topics and resources to help you handle your legal issue. For some legal topics, these resources include online tools for completing forms and “how-to” videos and tutorials.


Many legal issues are time sensitive and have strict deadlines. If you are not sure if deadlines apply to your legal issue, you should seek immediate legal advice from an attorney. Do not wait for assistance from the Self-Help Service Center.

Conciliation Court

For more information about this clinic, visit the Ramsey County Law Library. The Ramsey County District Court and Ramsey County Law Library offer a free legal clinic for unrepresented parties every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Ramsey County Law Library located on the 18th floor of the Ramsey County Courthouse.

Criminal Court

For more information about this clinic, visit the Ramsey County Law Library. If you have a criminal law question, the Ramsey County Law Library offers a free Criminal Defense Law Clinic every first and third Thursday of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Ramsey County Law Library located on the 18th floor of the Ramsey County Courthouse.

Criminal Expungement

For more information about this clinic, visit the Ramsey County Law Library. Volunteer Lawyers Network, Ramsey County District Court, and Ramsey County Law Library offer a free legal clinic for unrepresented parties the fourth Thursday of every month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Ramsey County Law Library located on the 18th floor of the Ramsey County Courthouse.

Housing Court

For information about this clinic, visit the Ramsey County Law Library. The Minnesota Justice Foundation, Ramsey County District Court, and Ramsey County Law Library offer a free legal clinic for unrepresented parties every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Ramsey County Law Library located on the 18th floor of the Ramsey County Courthouse.

Family Court

Please call (651) 266-5125 to schedule an appointment. Ramsey County District Court offers a free legal clinic for unrepresented parties every Monday and Wednesday from noon to 2:00 p.m. To qualify for this service, customers must have an existing Ramsey County Family Court case or must live in Ramsey County and are looking to start a Family Court case. Volunteer attorneys will provide brief legal advice and answer legal questions you have about your family case. Volunteer attorneys will not represent you in court or fill out forms for you. This Clinic is being conducted by phone appointment only until further notice.


Expungement is the process of going to court to ask a judge to seal a Adult Criminal or Juvenile Delinquency court record. It is important to remember that an expunged record is not destroyed. The police, FBI, immigration officers, and other public officials may still see sealed court files for certain purposes. Usually, people ask for an expungement when they have been denied a job, housing, or a professional license because of their criminal background. If you would like to read more information about criminal expungements, please visit the Criminal Expungement help topic.

The Self-Help Service Center provides forms, explains processes and procedures, reviews your documents for completeness and adequacy, and provides information about other legal resources available to you.


The Self-Help Service Center can provide legal information, but we are not allowed to give you legal advice. The Ramsey County Law Library hosts a Criminal Expungement Legal Clinic during which a volunteer attorney can provide legal advice. For more information about this clinic, visit the Ramsey County Law Library

The Self-Help Service Center is located at:

15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Room 190
St Paul, MN 55102


Front Desk Hours
Monday - Friday   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Additional Resources

Volunteer Lawyers Network, Ramsey County District Court, and Ramsey County Law Library offer a free legal clinic for unrepresented parties the fourth Thursday of every month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Ramsey County Law Library located on the 18th floor of the Ramsey County Courthouse. 

Adult Criminal Expugements

If you want to ask the Court to expunge an Adult Criminal Case, you can obtain forms online or in-person.  


For forms that can be used in any Minnesota County District Court, visit the GetForms page. The Court has statewide forms that may be used in your case. You can fill out these forms electronically or you can print them out and fill them out by hand. All forms must be printed out single-sided. If you are filling the forms out by hand, please use blue or black ink.


The Court has form packets if you are unable to print out the forms on your own. If you need to obtain blank forms, you can do so at: Self-Help Service Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, Room 190, St. Paul, MN 55102.

Juvenile Delinquency Expungements

If you want to ask the Court to expunge a Juvenile Delinquency Case, you can obtain the forms online linked below or in-person.


Ramsey County Juvenile District Court has forms for use specifically in Ramsey County for Juvenile Delinquency Expugements. To use these forms in another county, you must contact that specific county court administration to confirm they will accept the form.

Notice of Hearing and Petition for Expungement


The Court has form packets if you are unable to print out the forms on your own. If you need to obtain blank forms, you can do so at: Self-Help Service Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, Room 190, St. Paul, MN 55102. 

Turning In Forms

Once your forms are complete, dated, signed, and you have gathered any documents you want to file with your forms, you can email, mail, or bring in your paperwork. You can mail in or drop off your paperwork at: Self-Help Service Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, Room 190, St. Paul, MN 55102. For more information about submitting your forms by email, please call (651) 266-5125 or use the Contact Us button at the top of this page.

Reviewing Paperwork

The Self-Help Service Center is reviewing forms remotely by phone or zoom. Self-help staff will call or email you to set up your virtual review after you turn in your paperwork. The Self-Help Service Center has limited in-person paperwork reviews. When turning in your paperwork, please let Self-Help staff know you want an in-person review and they will schedule an appointment for you.


The Self-Help Service Center provides forms, explains processes and procedures, reviews your documents for completeness and adequacy, and provides information about other legal resources available to you.

Services Include

The Self-Help Service Center assists with divorce, child support, paternity, custody, and parenting time in Ramsey County cases. 

Services Do Not Include

The Self-Help Service Center does not assist with annulment of marriage, legal separation, or grandparent visitation issues. The Self-Help Service Center does not assist with cases in other counties. The Self-Help Service Center does not assist with Court of Appeals cases.


The Self-Help Service Center can provide legal information, but we are not allowed to give you legal advice. We can answer general questions about court rules and procedures, define common legal words, offer you court forms and instructions, and explain what legal options you may have. We cannot recommend one legal option over another, suggest legal arguments, tell you what you should say in court or write in your paperwork, or tell you what you should do. If you are not sure what to do in your case, you should get legal advice from a lawyer.


For forms that can be used in any Minnesota County District Court, visit the Get Forms page. You can fill out these forms electronically or print them out and fill them out by hand. All forms must be printed out single-sided. If you are filling out the forms by hand, please use blue or black ink.

In Person

The Self-Help Service Center has form packets if you are unable to print out the forms on your own. If you need to obtain blank forms, you can do so at the Juvenile and Family Justice Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, Room 190, St. Paul, MN 55102. The Self-Help Service Center charges a copy fee for the form packets.

Forms Specific to Ramsey County District Court

Ramsey County Family District Court has forms for use specifically in Ramsey County. To use these forms in another county, you must contact that specific county court administration to confirm they will accept the form.

Summons and Complaint to Establish Paternity
Answer and Counter-Complaint to Establish Paternity
Joint Petition to Establish Custody and Parenting Time 
Stipulation and Order to Establish Custody and Parenting Time 
Default Order to Establish Custody and Parenting Time
Stipulation and Order to Modify Parenting Time 
Motion and Affidavit in Support for Temporary Relief
Order Regarding Order to Show Cause
​Admission of Service for starting a divorce case 
Admission of Service for starting a custody or paternity case 
Admission of Service for answering and motions
Application for Service by Alternate Means 
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Waiver
ICMC Data Sheet

The Self-Help Service Center is located at:
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Room 190
St Paul, MN 55102

Front Desk Hours
Monday - Friday  8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Free Legal Clinic
Ramsey County District Court offers a free legal clinic for unrepresented parties every Monday and Wednesday from noon to 2:00 p.m. To qualify for this service, customers must have an existing Ramsey County Family Court case or must live in Ramsey County and are looking to start a Family Court case. Volunteer attorneys will provide brief legal advice and answer legal questions you have about your family case. Volunteer attorneys will not represent you in court or fill out forms for you. Please call (651) 266-5125 to schedule an appointment. This Clinic is being conducted by phone appointment only until further notice.

Turning In Forms

Once your forms are complete, dated, signed, and you have gathered any documents you want to file with your forms, you can email, mail, or bring in your paperwork. You can mail in or drop off your paperwork at: Self-Help Service Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, Room 190, St. Paul, MN 55102. For more information about submitting your forms by email, please call (651) 266-5125 or use the Contact Us button at the top of this page.

Reviewing Paperwork

The Self-Help Service Center is reviewing forms remotely by phone or zoom. Self-help staff will call or email you to set up your virtual review after you turn in your paperwork. The Self-Help Service Center has limited in-person paperwork reviews. When turning in your paperwork, please let Self-Help staff know you want an in-person review and they will schedule an appointment for you.