Court Divisions
Court Administration: (507) 615-5183
Jury Line: (507) 615-5198
Traffic Fees/Information: (800) 657-3611
Fax: (507) 452-5979
Judge Nancy Buytendorp: (507) 615-5196
New Judge: (507) 615-5195
Phone Numbers for Other Winona County Agencies
Department of Corrections - Courthouse Unit: (507) 457-6470
Department of Corrections (Felons): (507) 205-6100
Public Defender Office: (507) 285-7370
County Attorney Office: (507) 457-6310
Sheriff's Department: (507) 457-6368
Legal Services (SMRLS): (888) 575-2954 or
Winona City Attorney: (507) 205-4905