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Court Forms

Court Forms do not yet adhere to accessibility standards. For assistance, please visit the Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodation page.  

Please go to the Help Topics Homepage to learn more about what forms you may need and find other resources related to many of the topics listed below.

*New* Use Minnesota Guide & File to create forms in certain case types. For more information, visit our Guide & File Help Topic.

Court Forms Category List

Child Custody / Parenting Time

Please go to the Child Custody / Parenting Time Help Topics page to learn more about what forms you may need and find other resources related to this topic.
Some forms in this category are now available as Fillable Smart Forms. For help with how to open the forms, visit the Court Forms Information Help Topic to read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and a helpful Quick Reference Guide (QRG) on Working with Fillable Smart Forms.

Establishing Custody / Parenting Time Forms

Form Number
Form/Packet Name

Changing Custody and/or Parenting Time Forms

Establishing Third Party Custody of Someone Else's Child Forms