Court Forms

Court Forms do not yet adhere to accessibility standards. For assistance, please visit the Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodation page.  

Please go to the Help Topics Homepage to learn more about what forms you may need and find other resources related to many of the topics listed below.

*New* Use Minnesota Guide & File to create forms in certain case types. For more information, visit our Guide & File Help Topic.
× Fillable Smart Forms
The forms in this category have been updated to Fillable Smart Forms. Some helpful tips on using the forms:
  • The forms may not open correctly in some browsers (for example, Chrome and Safari) even if you have the most current version of Adobe. Visit our FAQs section for steps on changing your browser settings.
  • To save to your computer or flash drive and open with Adobe Reader, right click on the link to the form to choose the "save as" option for your browser.
  • Visit the Court Forms Information Help Topic for more information on how to use the forms, prepare for electronic filing, and more!
Be sure you are using the most current version of Adobe. You can find it online at

Please note: In order to file your forms electronically through the eFS System, you MUST use the "Prepare for eFile" button to create a flattened PDF that cannot be edited. Read the "Working with Fillable Smart Forms" Quick Reference Guide for more information.

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Court Forms Category List > Child Support

Forms Packet: Motion for Review

Forms in this category are now available as Fillable Smart Forms. For help with how to open the forms, visit the Court Forms Information Help Topic to read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and a helpful Quick Reference Guide (QRG) on Working with Fillable Smart Forms.
Form Number
Form Name
Instructions - Motion for Review
Affidavit of Service - Personal and by Mail
Hmong - Affidavit of Service - Personal and by Mail
Ntawv Ua Pov Thawj Nqa Rau Ntawv Ua Pov Thawj Xa Rau
Somali - Affidavit of Service - Personal and by Mail
Qoraalka Dhaarta ee Adeega Shakhsiga Qoraalka Dhaarta ee Boostada Lagu Diray
Spanish - Affidavit of Service - Personal and by Mail
Declaración Jurada de Notificación en Persona/por Correo
Motion for Review