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Electronic Medical Record Submission Portal

Opt In Form

Medical Providers must complete an opt-in form to submit medical records for Civil Commitment Cases to the State of Minnesota Judicial Branch via electronic means. If your organization has not already done so, you can access the electronic opt-in form. A single opt-in form will cover an entire organization. Please consult with your organization administrator before submitting an opt-in form.

Electronic Records Submission

Medical Providers may upload medical records for Civil Commitment Cases by using the Electronic Medical Record Submission (EMRS) web portal for submission of your documents. You will be asked to provide a Court Case Number, First Name and Last Name of the patient, and will need the name of your facility exactly as listed on the opt in form submitted to the Judicial Branch. For ease of use, please have this information available. You can find this information on your Subpoena Duces Tecum or Order for Records.

Availability and Contact Information

Below is contact information for the Minnesota Counties where the submission of electronic medical records is currently available: