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Statewide Standard Citation

All citations filed with the court in adult criminal cases must be in a form approved by the State Court Administrator and the Commissioner of Public Safety. See Minn. R. Crim. P. 6.01, subd. 4. The Statewide Standard Citation is the approved form. The Statewide Standard Citation may also be used for juvenile court cases, but use of the Statewide Standard Citation is not mandatory for juvenile court cases at this time.

Paper citations handed to defendants that are created on mobile devices (e.g., laptop or handheld), whether the citation will be electronically submitted to MNCIS or manually filed with the court, must conform to the Standard Citation template below.  When submitted electronically to MNCIS, the citations must take the form prescribed by the court's schema.

Samples of the Statewide Standard Citation, FAQ's, and additional resources for justice agency partners are available at the links below.

FAQ - Statewide Standard Citation
Example of Statewide Standard Citation – Respond by Option 2023.1
Citation Communication to Justice Partners (2023)
2023 Citation version showing edits
List of Changes to Standard Citation 2023.1
Instructions to Order the Standard Citation (2020)
Understanding Citation Fields
Statewide Standard Citation Numbering Requirements
Communication to Law Enforcement regarding Citation Numbering
FAQ - Understanding MNCIS Parking

Archive eCitation Resource Communications