Mission Statement: To ensure that children who have experienced abuse and neglect attain safe, stable, permanent homes and improved well-being.
The Children's Justice Initiative (CJI) is a collaboration between the Minnesota Judicial Branch, the Minnesota Department of Human Services, and the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families. These entities work closely with the local juvenile courts, court administrators, social services agencies, county attorneys, guardians ad litem, attorneys for parents and children, tribes, and other key stakeholders in each of Minnesota's 87 counties. The overall objectives are to improve child well-being and timely find safe, stable, permanent homes for children who experience abuse and neglect, first through reunification with the child's parents if that is safe or, if not, through another permanent placement option. When identifying and implementing improvements, the goal is for all stakeholders to operate "through the eyes of the child" so as to achieve child safety, permanency, and well-being.
Liaison Partnership Information
The state CJI Program recognizes the importance of building relationships that enable us to support each other.
To accomplish its mission, the state CJI Program will continue to develop strong relationships with local teams to better understand and support the work they are doing, successes they are celebrating, and challenges they may be facing.
Each county in Minnesota has been assigned a dedicated point of contact from the state CJI Program who can serve as a resource for them and their local CJI team.
To learn more about CJI Liaison Partnership and find a list of liaisons assigned to each county, refer to the
Handout – Children’s Justice Initiative (CJI) Liaison Partnership Information.
Implementation of Minnesota’s African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act (AAFPCWDA)
To learn more about the AAFPCWDA and how the Minnesota Judicial Branch is preparing for its implementation, please refer to this Fast Facts.