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Zealous Advocacy in CHIPS Cases: What Parents' Attorneys Need to Know to Effectively Advocate for their Clients

Minn. Stat. § 260C.163, subd. 3(g) provides that counsel retained by the county to represent parents in CHIPS matters must meet the qualifications established by the Judicial Council.  Judicial Council Policy 604 requires CHIPS parents’ attorneys to: (1) have at least two years of experience representing clients in CHIPS matters, (2) be supervised by a qualified CHIPS parent attorney, or (3) complete 18 hours of core skills training.
This comprehensive 18-hour core skills course meets the statute and policy requirements and is designed to equip attorneys who represent parents in CHIPS cases with the substantive law and practice skills necessary to be persuasive and effective advocates for their clients.
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Agenda, Faculty, and Meeting Rooms

Information is from the 2016 program 

Day 1: Social Sciences

Wednesday - June 15, 2016

My Child Has Been Taken Away: Understanding Your Client's Needs
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Trauma: Impact on Healthy Child Development
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Best Practices for Attorneys Who Represent Parents Minnesota's Permanency Laws and Timeline: Tools for Parents Challenges to Parents Involved in CHIPS Cases: Mental Health Disorders Challenges to Parents Involved in CHIPS Cases: Substance Abuse Challenges to Families Involved in CHIPS Cases: Domestic Violence Challenges to Families Involved in CHIPS Cases: Public Benefits Available to Assist Families

Day 2: Attorney Roles and Responsibilities

Thursday - June 16, 2016

Foundations of Strong Parent Advocacy Professional Responsibility Issues for Parents' Attorneys The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Purpose and Key Components Engaging Your Client Breakout Session: Client Advocacy from the EPC Hearing Through Adjudication Breakout Session: Client Advocacy from Disposition Through Permanency Breakout Session: Juvenile Court Practice

Day 3: Collaboration and Special Representation Issues

Friday - June 17, 2016

Stakeholder Panel: Ethical Collaboration Amidst Zealous Client Advocacy
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Case Plan Development: What the Law Requires and Ensuring Your Client's Involvement Appellate Practice to Strengthen Your Parent Advocacy Representing Undocumented Parents Representing Incarcerated Parents Litigating Maltreatment Findings Pulling it All Together and Applying to be Listed on the Roster of Qualified Parents' Attorneys
19 hours of CLE credits were approved for the June 2016 event. This included 16 standard, 1 ethics, and 2 elimination of bias credits. See the agenda for credits awarded for each training segment. Event code is 222115.

Agenda - CHIPS Parent Attorney Conference (CLE Credits)