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Domestic Abuse & Harassment

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Basics on Domestic Abuse & Harassment

What is Domestic Abuse under Minnesota law

Minnesota has a law called the Domestic Abuse Act, which is found at Minn. Stat. ch. 518B. That law defines domestic abuse as one of the following acts committed by a family or household member against another family or household member:
  A family or household member is one of the following:
  • spouse or former spouse;
  • persons involved in a significant romantic or sexual relationship;
  • parents and children;
  • persons related by blood;
  • persons living together or who have lived together in the past;
  • persons who have or had a child in common (born or in utero), regardless of whether they were living together or ever married.

How to get a court Order for Protection

Get Help from an Advocate

If you want to ask the court for an Order for Protection (OFP) from domestic abuse, we suggest that you try to get help from a domestic abuse advocate who knows the process and can support you through all of the steps. Violence Free Minnesota has a statewide online directory of advocacy agencies.

Fill Out OFP Forms Packet

You do not have to use an advocate. If you choose to ask for an OFP on your own, the MN Judicial Branch does publish OFP Forms Packets. If you are the person asking for an OFP, you are called the "Petitioner" in the case, and the other party is called the "Respondent." There are instructions with the OFP Forms Packets that explain how to fill out the forms. An OFP can be requested "on behalf of" minor children as well.

*New!* Use Minnesota Guide & File to create the forms you need to Ask for a MN Restraining Order – either an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order. You can file the forms electronically (eFile) through Guide & File, or print your completed forms. For more information, visit our Guide & File Help Topic.

Privacy of Information

Generally, court files are open to the public, with some exceptions for safety or other confidential issues. When you fill out your forms, if you do not want the Respondent to know your address, or if you do not want your address to be part of the public court file, you do not have to write your address in the Petition form. You may give it to the Court separately on a different form in the OFP Forms Packet. However, you are responsible for telling the Court that you do not want your address to be part of the public file if that is what you want.

What is Harassment under Minnesota law

Regardless of the relationship between the parties, under Minn. Stat. § 609.748, harassment is defined as:
  • a single incident of physical or sexual assault;
  • a single incident of using someone's personal information, without consent, to invite, encourage, or solicit a third party to engage in a sexual act;
  • a single incident of sharing private sexual images of someone without permission;
  • repeated incidents (more than one) of intrusive or unwanted acts, words, or gestures that have a substantial adverse effect or are intended to have a substantial adverse effect on the safety, security or privacy of another (e.g., repeated phone calls, following a person, repeatedly coming to the Petitioner’s home after having been asked not to do so);
  • targeted residential picketing; OR
  • a pattern of attending public events after being notified that their presence is harassing to another

Who can file?

The Petitioner does not have to have had a personal relationship with the Respondent. An adult can ask the court (petition) for an order for themselves or on behalf of their minor children if there have been incidents of harassment against their children.  An adult can ask the court (petition) for an order on behalf of another adult if there is a court order granting legal guardianship.  A Power of Attorney does not give someone the ability to file for a Harassment Restraining Order for another adult.

The Respondent could be any adult(s) or juvenile(s) alleged to have engaged in harassment, OR an organization alleged to have sponsored or promoted harassment.

NOTE: A harassment restraining order is a matter handled in civil court and is brought by an individual seeking protection. A "no contact order" is a type of order usually issued by a judge in criminal court that orders the criminal defendant not to have contact with someone.  There can be both a "no contact order" and a Harassment Restraining Order.
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How to get a Harassment Restraining Order

Read the law on harassment restraining orders at Minn. Stat. § 609.748.

If you believe that someone is harassing you, you may ask the court for a Harassment Restraining Order. This order can help:
  • prevent further harassment,
  • order the Respondent not to contact you and your family at any time, and
  • allow police to arrest the Respondent without a warrant for violations of the order.
 You do not have to report the harassment to the police to ask for a court order. There may be a filing fee to start a harassment case, which may be waived under the law depending on the facts of your case or if you qualify based on a low income for a fee waiver (IFP). See Instructions – How to Apply for a Harassment Restraining Order.
If you start a case, you are called the “Petitioner” and the person who you believe is harassing you is called the “Respondent.”
Where to file?
You can start a Harassment case in the District Court of the county where:
  • you or the Respondent lives, OR
  • the harassment occurred;
Step 1: Complete your Petition for Harassment Restraining Order forms and file them in court in either the county where you or the Respondent lives, or in the county where the harassment happened.

*New!* Use Minnesota Guide & File to create the forms you need to Ask for a MN Restraining Order – either an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order. You can file the forms electronically (eFile) through Guide & File, or print your completed forms. For more information, visit our Guide & File Help Topic.
You must write details in your petition form about how:
  • the Respondent has physically or sexually assaulted you (only one incident is required); OR
  • the Respondent used your personal information, without your consent, to invite, encourage, or solicit a third party to engage in a sexual act (only one incident is required); OR
  • the Respondent shared private sexual images of your without your permission (only one incident is required); OR
  • the Respondent has made repeated acts, words, or gestures, AND
  • the actions have caused, or were intended to cause, substantial adverse effect upon your safety, security or privacy.

Step 2: A judicial officer will review your forms and decide if a Harassment Restraining Order should be granted and whether a hearing will be required.

The judicial officer will sign an order that does one of three things:
  • Grant an Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order - meaning that a temporary two-year order is granted without a hearing.
  • Denial - meaning that a temporary order is not granted, but you may request a hearing to present your case to the judicial officer.  If you requested a hearing in your paperwork, one will be scheduled.
  • Dismissal - meaning that the incident you described in your forms do not rise to the level of harassment. In order to re-file, there will need to be a new incident or incidents that you believe are harassment.
Step 3: If an Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order was NOT granted, you or the Respondent may request a hearing within 20 days from when the petition was served.  If an Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order was granted the Respondent may request a hearing within 20 days from when the paperwork was served.
How to respond to a Harassment Order
Read the law on harassment restraining orders at Minn. Stat. § 609.748.

If you have been served with an Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order or a petition and affidavit for a Harassment Restraining Order and you want to respond and have a hearing with a judge, you can download and print the Request for a Hearing form (#HAR301) and file it with the court. IMPORTANT: There is a deadline to ask for a hearing. Carefully read all court documents and follow the instructions. There may be a filing fee to respond to a harassment case, which may be waived if you qualify based on a low income for a fee waiver (IFP) or if the Petitioner’s fees were waived. You might also want to talk to a lawyer about your legal rights and options.

If an Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order was issued, the Respondent may request a hearing in writing within 20 days from when the paperwork was served.

If an Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order was NOT issued, you or the Respondent may request a hearing within 20 days from when the paperwork was served.

Download and print the Respondent's Harassment Forms Packet, or browse all Harassment Court Forms.


What is Child Abuse and Neglect under Minnesota law

Order for Protection Forms

  • Ask for Order for Protection: Use these forms if you or your child need protection from a family member or someone who lives in your household who is threatening you, physically hurting you, preventing you from calling 911, or otherwise harming you or your child.
  • *New!* Use Minnesota Guide & File to create the forms you need to Ask for a MN Restraining Order – either an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order. You can file the forms electronically (eFile) through Guide & File, or print your completed forms. For more information, visit our Guide & File Help Topic.
  • Respond to Order for Protection: Use these forms if you were served with papers from someone asking the court for an Order for Protection.
  • Order for Protection Forms (All)

Harassment Forms

  • Ask for a Harassment Restraining Order: Use these forms if a person or organization has (1) physicially or sexually assaulted you, (2) used your personal information, without your consent, to invite, encourage, or solicit a third party to engage in a sexual act, (3) shared private sexual images of you without your permission, or (4) repeatedly committed unwanted acts, words, gestures toward you, which have adversely affected your safety, security or privacy. This is how you ask the court for a Harassment Restraining Order to stop the unwanted acts.
  • *New!* Use Minnesota Guide & File to create the forms you need to Ask for a MN Restraining Order – either an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order. You can file the forms electronically (eFile) through Guide & File, or print your completed forms. For more information, visit our Guide & File Help Topic.
  • Respond to a Harassment Restraining Order: Use these forms if you were served with papers from someone asking the court for a Harassment Restraining Order.
  • Harassment Forms (All)

Child in Need of Protection (CHIPS) Forms

The county attorney's office in cooperation with the county human services office usually handle cases involving child abuse and neglect. The court publishes some forms for use by pro se parties. You should talk with a lawyer to legal advice other forms for your case.
Rules & LawsIf you are representing yourself in a domestic abuse or harassment case, you must follow the same laws and rules as a lawyer. The following is a list of some of the laws and rules that deal with domestic abuse and harassment in Minnesota. See also Laws, Rules & Legal Research.

Laws & Rules on Domestic Abuse & Harassment

The following is a list of some of the laws and rules about domestic abuse and harassment in Minnesota. You can get more help with your legal research at your local county law library, which is open to the public. You should talk with a lawyer about how the laws and rules affect your case.
Resources on Domestic Abuse & Harassment 
About Domestic Violence CourtDomestic violence court is designed to address traditional problems of domestic violence, such as low reports, withdrawn charges, threats to victim, lack of defendant accountability, and high recidivism, by intense judicial scrutiny of the defendant and close cooperation between the judiciary and social services.

A permanent judge works with the prosecution, assigned victim advocates, social services, and the defense to ensure physical separation between the victim and all forms of intimidation from the defendant or his/her family throughout the entirety of the judicial process; provide the victim with the housing and job training he/she need to begin an independent existence from the offender; and continuously monitor the defendant in terms of compliance with protective orders and substance abuse treatment.

Additionally, a case manager ascertains victim needs and monitors cooperation by the defendant. Close collaboration with defense counsel verifies due process and protects the defendant's rights.