Early Case Management/
Early Neutral Evaluation

Early Case Management (ECM) is the early involvement of a judicial officer in family court cases with the goal of resolving the case before the parties spend significant financial and emotional resources.  Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) is a confidential and voluntary alternative dispute resolution process designed to facilitate the resolution of custody, parenting time (visitation), and financial matters (such as child support and the division of property and debts) quickly, fairly, and in a cost-effective way.

How does Early Case Management (ECM) Work?Early Case Management (ECM):  ECM is the early involvement of a judicial officer in family court cases with the goal of resolving the case before the parties spend significant financial and emotional resources.  This early involvement can help narrow the issues and assist with resolving the case as quickly as possible. ECM includes Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC), Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE), and other Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes.

Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC): The first meeting with the judicial officer is called an Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC). The judicial officer's involvement soon after the filing encourages the parties and their attorneys (if represented) to focus on resolving and narrowing the contested issues that are barriers to settlement. ICMCs are informal and off-the-record court appearances. At an ICMC, the judicial officer explains the option to participate in Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) and other ADR processes; establishes how the court will track the case; discusses discovery limitations and deadlines; reviews settlement progress and settlement opportunities; and schedules future court appearances, if needed.

The court schedules the ICMC after the first filing by the parties. If an ICMC is scheduled, the hearing is mandatory for all parties and attorneys (if represented). Parties may be sent an ICMC data sheet. This form needs to be filled out and returned prior to the scheduled court date as instructed by court administration.

Unless otherwise ordered, participation in a Parent Education course must begin prior to the Initial Case Management Conference, effective August 1, 2021.

Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE): ENE is a confidential and voluntary alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process designed to facilitate resolution of custody, parenting time (visitation), and financial matters (such as child support and the division of property and debts) quickly, fairly, and in a cost-effective way. Qualified Neutrals work with parties early in a case, typically as soon possible following an ICMC and prior to the next scheduled court appearance, to reach agreements that will foster the best interests of the family.   During an ENE, each party presents its view, the evaluator(s) then discuss the case and provide feedback to parties and their attorneys (if represented) of the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s claims; settlement options; and how the court may rule on the issues. The parties are able to confer with their attorneys (if represented) to discuss settlement. After conclusion of an ENE, the evaluator usually informs the court if the case has or has not settled. The evaluator may not provide further comment or recommendations to the court.  

Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE): SENE is an ENE process that focuses on custody, parenting time, holiday schedules, and other non-financial issues related to the child(ren). In SENE, a two-person team of Neutrals typically work on the case.

Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE): FENE is an ENE process that focuses on financial issues involved in a family court case, such as child support, dividing marital property, debts, and retirement plans. In FENE, one evaluator typically works on the case.

Judicial Council Policies regarding ECM and ENE: For county specific ECM/ENE information, use the dropdown menu on the County Information Tab. 

If you have a question regarding the statewide Rule 114 ADR Roster, including qualifications and continuing education requirements for the roster, visit the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) website.
The cost for an ENE is ordered by the court or set by the Neutral. Some counties have an ENE fee schedule. To see if a county has a county-specific ENE fee schedule, select the county in the dropdown menu on the County Information Tab.

The Rule 114 ADR Roster provides a list of Qualified ADR Neutrals throughout Minnesota.  The roster can be filtered by SENE or FENE, and/or by county. Some counites may also have a local ENE Program. If your county has an ENE Program, you may be court ordered to work with that ENE Program and may not need to search the Rule 114 ADR Roster to locate a Qualified Neutral.

To become qualified as an ENE Neutral, the prospective Neutral must take an ADR ENE training course certified through the State Court Administrator’s Office. Certified training courses can be found on the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) website, on the Petitions and Approved Trainings tab.

Applications for the Rule 114 Roster are available on the Applications tab
For more information on the requirements, application process, and training, visit the Alternative Dispute Resolution website.

County Program InformationUse the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the Provider Rosters and Provider Availability for most counties. The Quick Reference Guide for Using PASS may help you search. Do not log in or create an account to search for providers and their availability in PASS.

Beginning August 1, 2021, unless otherwise ordered, Parent Education must begin prior to the Initial Case Management Conference.

Please select your county from the list below.

Aitkin (Ninth District)

Aitkin County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Aitkin County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Aitkin County Court Administration at (218) 927-7350.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Anoka (Tenth District)

In Anoka County, all new relevant family law cases are scheduled for an Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC) and enter the Early Case Management process with access to Early Neutral Evaluations. Anoka County uses the Provider Availability and Scheduling System  (PASS) to schedule ENEs during ICMCs.

Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSCs) are available in Anoka County in cases that have not settled that are already close to their trial date. The MSC Roster is available in PASS.

Program Description (ENE)
Program Description (MSC)


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Becker (Seventh District)

Becker County does not have a court-sponsored Early Case Management (ECM) or Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Beltrami (Ninth District)

Beltrami County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Benton (Seventh District)

Benton County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program.  ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Big Stone (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Big Stone County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Big Stone County, please contact Big Stone Court Administration at (320) 839-2536.

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Carlton (Sixth District)


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Carver (First District)

Carver County uses the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) in Initial Case Management Conferences. Parties may preview rosters and provider schedules using the links below. If parties opt into Early Neutral Evaluations, the Social Early Neutral Evaluator (SENE) or Financial Early Neutral Evaluator (FENE) providers will be selected and the date, time, and location of the SENE or FENE will be scheduled in the courtroom during the ICMC. Please bring your calendars with you to the Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC).

Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) in Family Cases

All counties in the 1st Judicial District will be participating in the Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) Program. RETR is a temporary program to facilitate case management during the COVID-19 Emergency. RETR is a Minn. R. Gen. Prac. 114.02(a) (10) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.    
This program permits the parties to retain a third party to provide binding ADR services to resolve temporary relief issues in family cases.  The process is truncated in at least three ways: volume of submissions, time limits on the process, and deadlines.  RETR follows the Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)/ Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) model for fees and includes a four hour flat fee rate charged by the ADR provider. To participate review RETR program information and file Stipulation and Order for RETR.



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Cass (Ninth District)

Cass County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program.  However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program.  Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.  Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Chippewa (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Chippewa County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Chippewa County, please contact Chippewa County Court Administration at (320) 269-7774.

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Clay (Seventh District)

Program Description

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Clay County's ENE Provider Rosters.  Clay County uses the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to schedule ENEs during ICMCs.


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Clearwater (Ninth District)

Clearwater County uses Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMC) but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Clearwater County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Clearwater County Court Administration at (218) 694-6177.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Crow Wing (Ninth District)

Crow Wing County uses Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMC) but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Crow Wing County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Crow Wing County Court Administration at (218) 824-1310.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Dakota (First District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Dakota County's ENE Provider Rosters. Dakota houses its rosters in PASS but does not use PASS for scheduling.


Moderated Settlement Conference (MSC) Program

Evaluative Mediation Program (EMP)

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Dodge (Third District)

Use the Provider Availability and Resource System (PASS) to search Dodge County's ENE rosters.


For more information on the Dodge County Program please contact Dodge County Court Administration at (507) 635-6260.

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Douglas (Seventh District)

Douglas County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Fillmore (Third District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Fillmore County's ENE rosters.


For more information on Fillmore County's ECM/ENE Program, contact Fillmore County Court Administration at (507) 765-3356.

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Freeborn (Third District)

Freeborn County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Goodhue (First District)

All new relevant family law cases in Goodhue County are scheduled for an Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC) and enter the Early Case Management (ECM) process with access to Early Neutral Evaluations (ENE). All Post-Decree and Post-Custody or Post-Paternity Determination Motions are included in the ECM process and scheduled for an Initial Motion Management Conference (IMMC). ICMCs and IMMCs are scheduled for Friday mornings. Goodhue County uses the Provider Availability and Scheduling System to schedule ENEs during ICMCs and IMMCs.

Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) in Family Cases

All counties in the 1st Judicial District will be participating in the Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) Program. RETR is a temporary program to facilitate case management during the COVID-19 Emergency. RETR is a Minn. R. Gen. Prac. 114.02(a) (10) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.    
This program permits the parties to retain a third party to provide binding ADR services to resolve temporary relief issues in family cases.  The process is truncated in at least three ways: volume of submissions, time limits on the process, and deadlines. RETR follows the Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)/ Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) model for fees and includes a four hour flat fee rate charged by the ADR provider. To participate review RETR program information and file Stipulation and Order for RETR.


Goodhue Standing Order for ECM (amended February 6, 2020)
Goodhue ECM Timelines and Continuance Requests (updated May 2022)
Goodhue ENE Fees
Goodhue ICMC/ENE Program Description
Goodhue IMMC/ENE Program Description
IMMC/ENE Program Process Flow Chart (updated January 2020)
Goodhue ICMC Data Sheet
Goodhue IMMC Data Sheet
Statement of Assets and Liabilities for Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)

For information on Goodhue County's programs, please contact the Court Administration at (651) 267-4800.

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Grant (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Grant County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Grant County, please contact Grant County Court Administration at (218) 685-8282.

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Hennepin (Fourth District)

Hennepin County provides Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) through its Family Court Services Program and Financial Early Neutral Evaluations (FENE) through its FENE Program.  For those who do not wish to wait for an SENE session through Family Court Services, there is a semi-private, Non-Family Court Services SENE program.


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Houston (Third District)

For more information on the Houston County's Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMC), please contact Houston County Court Administration at (507) 725-5806.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters.  Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Hubbard (Ninth District)

Hubbard County uses Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMC) but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations.  For more information on Hubbard County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Hubbard County Court Administration at (218) 732-5286.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program.  Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters.  Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Isanti (Tenth District)

Program Description (ENE)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search provider rosters and availability.


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Itasca (Ninth District)

Itasca County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Jackson (Fifth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the Provider Rosters and Provider Availability.  


For more information on the Fifth Judicial District ENE program please contact Ruth Harms, Fifth District ENE and Collaborative Resource Coordinator.

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Kanabec (Tenth District)

Program Description (ENE)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search provider rosters and availability.


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Kandiyohi (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Kandiyohi County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Kandiyohi County, please contact Kandiyohi County Court Administration at (320) 231-6206.

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Kittson (Ninth District)

Kittson County uses Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMC) but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Kittson County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Kittson County Court Administration at (218) 843-3632.

However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program.  Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters.  Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

The Initial Case Conference Data Sheet is a form that must be completed, provided to the court and served on the other party at least two (2) business days before your scheduled ICMC.  The ICMC Data Sheet should be mailed or hand delivered to the court but not e-filed. 

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Koochiching (Ninth District)

Koochiching County launched their new Early Case Management (ECM)/Early Motion Management (EMM) and Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) programs on August 1, 2021.


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Lac Qui Parle (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Lac Qui Parle County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Lac Qui Parle County, please contact Lac Qui Parle County Court Administration at (320) 295-4000.

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Lake of the Woods (Ninth District)

Lake of the Woods County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Lake of the Woods County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Lake of the Woods County Court Administration at (218) 634-1451.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Le Sueur (First District)

Le Sueur County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) in Family Cases

All counties in the 1st Judicial District will be participating in the Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) Program. RETR is a temporary program to facilitate case management during the COVID-19 Emergency. RETR is a Minn. R. Gen. Prac. 114.02(a) (10) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.    
This program permits the parties to retain a third party to provide binding ADR services to resolve temporary relief issues in family cases. The process is truncated in at least three ways: volume of submissions, time limits on the process, and deadlines. RETR follows the Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)/ Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) model for fees and includes a four hour flat fee rate charged by the ADR provider. To participate review RETR program information and file Stipulation and Order for RETR.

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Lincoln (Fifth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the Provider Rosters and Provider Availability.  


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Mahnomen (Ninth District)

Mahnomen County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations.  For more information on Mahnomen County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Mahnomen County Court Administration at (218) 935-2251.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Marshall (Ninth District)

Marshall County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Marshall County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Marshall County Court Administration at (218) 745-4921.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.


The Initial Case Conference (ICMC) Data Sheet is a form that must be completed, provided to the court and served on the other party at least two (2) business days before your scheduled ICMC.  The ICMC Data Sheet should be mailed or hand delivered to the court but not e-filed. 

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McLeod (First District)

Program Description (Printable Program Brochure)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the McLeod ENE rosters.

Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) in Family Cases

All counties in the 1st Judicial District will be participating in the Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) Program. RETR is a temporary program to facilitate case management during the COVID-19 Emergency. RETR is a Minn. R. Gen. Prac. 114.02(a) (10) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.    
This program permits the parties to retain a third party to provide binding ADR services to resolve temporary relief issues in family cases. The process is truncated in at least three ways: volume of submissions, time limits on the process, and deadlines. RETR follows the Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)/ Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) model for fees and includes a four hour flat fee rate charged by the ADR provider. To participate review RETR program information and file Stipulation and Order for RETR.


For information on the McLeod-Sibley Combined ENE Program please contact court administration, (320) 864-1281.

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Meeker (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Meeker County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Meeker County, please contact Meeker County Court Administration at (320) 693-5230.

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Mille Lacs (Seventh District)

Mille Lacs County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services. Equal Access ENE Providers have agreed to travel to Mille Lacs county for ENE sessions, do not charge travel fees, and use the Equal Access fee scales.

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Morrison (Seventh District)

Morrison County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Mower (Third District)

Mower County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Norman (Ninth District)

Norman County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Norman County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Norman County Court Administration at (218) 784-5458.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county.  Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Olmsted (Third District)

In Olmsted, all relevant new family law cases are scheduled for an Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC) and enter the Early Case Management (ECM) process with access to Early Neutral Evaluations (ENEs). All post-decree and post-custody/post-paternity determination motions are included in the Post-Judgment Case Management (PJCM) pilot program and scheduled for a Post-Judgment Case Management Telephone Conference.

Early Case Management (ECM) Resources

These resources are designed to assist you in becoming more familiar with the Olmsted County Early Neutral Case Management Program (ECM). The ICMC Data Sheet is a form that must be completed and delivered to the court before the Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC).  It should not be filed or eFiled.  The other documents contain more detailed information about the ECM program.

Post-Judgment Case Management Program (PJCM) Resources

These resources are designed to assist you in becoming more familiar with the Olmsted County Post-Judgment Case Management Program (PJCM). The PJCM Certificate of Representation is a form that must be completed, filed, and served before a Post-Judgment Motion hearing and PJCM telephone conference can be scheduled. The other documents contain more detailed information about the PJCM program.

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Otter Tail (Seventh District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Itasca County's ENE Provider Rosters.


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Pennington (Ninth District)

Pennington County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Pennington County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Darla Boen in Pennington County Court Administration at (218) 683-7023.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Pine (Tenth District)

Program Description (ENE)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search provider rosters and availability.


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Polk (Ninth District)

Polk County uses Initial Case Management Conferences but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations.  For more information on Polk County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Polk County Court Administration at (218) 281-2332.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services. 


The Initial Case Conference (ICMC) Data Sheet is a form that must be completed, provided to the court and served on the other party at least two (2) business days before your scheduled ICMC. The ICMC Data Sheet should be mailed or hand delivered to the court but not eFiled. 

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Pope (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Pope County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Pope County, please contact Pope County Court Administration at (320) 634-5222.

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Ramsey (Second District)


Listed below are forms that are designed to assist you in becoming more familiar with ECM in Ramsey County. The Initial Case Conference (ICMC) Data Sheet is a form that must be completed, submitted to the court and served at least three (3) business days before your scheduled Initial Case Management Conference. This information is for use at the ICMC only and is not evidence for purposes of a trial. The other forms contain more detailed information about ENE and its costs.

Attorneys: ICMC data sheets should be submitted to the assigned judicial officer by email to the email address boxes that have been set up for each judicial unit. This is the ONLY exception to the mandate that pleadings be filed electronically: eFiling Business Process.

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Red Lake (Ninth District)

Red Lake County uses Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMCs) but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations. For more information on Red Lake County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Sherry Largis, in Red Lake County Court Administration at (218) 253-4281.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

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Renville (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Renville County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Renville County, please contact Renville County Court Administration at (320) 523-3680.

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Roseau (Ninth District)

Roseau County uses Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMCs) but not court-sponsored Early Neutral Evaluations.  For more information on Roseau County's Early Case Management (ECM) Program, please contact Roseau County Court Administration at (218) 463-2541.

ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Scott (First District)

Scott County uses the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) in Initial Case Management Conferences (ICMCs). Parties may preview rosters and provider schedules using the links below. If parties opt into Early Neutral Evaluations, the Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) or Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE) providers will be selected and the date, time, and location of the SENE or FENE will be scheduled in the courtroom during the ICMC. Please bring your calendars with you to the ICMC.

Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) in Family Cases

All counties in the 1st Judicial District will be participating in the Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) Program. RETR is a temporary program to facilitate case management during the COVID-19 Emergency. RETR is a Minn. R. Gen. Prac. 114.02(a) (10) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.    
This program permits the parties to retain a third party to provide binding ADR services to resolve temporary relief issues in family cases. The process is truncated in at least three ways: volume of submissions, time limits on the process, and deadlines. RETR follows the Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)/ Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) model for fees and includes a four hour flat fee rate charged by the ADR provider. To participate review RETR program information and file Stipulation and Order for RETR.


Email the ENE/ECM program »

Sherburne (Tenth District)

In Sherburne County, all new relevant family law cases are scheduled for an Initial Case Management Conference (ICMC) and enter the Early Case Management process with access to Early Neutral Evaluations (ENEs). Sherburne County uses the Provider Availability and Scheduling System  (PASS) to schedule ENEs during ICMCs.

Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSCs) are available in Sherburne County in cases that have not settled that are already close to their trial date.

Program Description (ENE)
Program Description (MSC)


Email the ENE/ECM program »

Sibley (First District)

Program Description (Printable Program Brochure)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the Sibley ENE Rosters.

Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) in Family Cases

All counties in the 1st Judicial District will be participating in the Remote Expedited Temporary Relief (RETR) Program. RETR is a temporary program to facilitate case management during the COVID-19 Emergency. RETR is a Minn. R. Gen. Prac. 114.02(a) (10) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.    
This program permits the parties to retain a third party to provide binding ADR services to resolve temporary relief issues in family cases. The process is truncated in at least three ways: volume of submissions, time limits on the process, and deadlines. RETR follows the Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE)/ Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) model for fees and includes a four hour flat fee rate charged by the ADR provider. To participate review RETR program information and file Stipulation and Order for RETR.


For information on the McLeod-Sibley Combined ENE Program please contact court administration at (507) 237-4051.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

St. Louis Duluth (Sixth District)


Email the ENE/ECM program »

St. Louis Hibbing (Sixth District)


Email the ENE/ECM program »

St. Louis Virginia (Sixth District)


Email the ENE/ECM program »

Stearns (Seventh District)

Stearns County does not have an active ECM-ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Steele (Third District)

Steele County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program.  However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Stevens (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Stevens County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Stevens County, please contact Stevens County Court Administration at (320) 208-6640.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Swift (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Swift County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Swift County, please contact Swift County Court Administration at (320) 843-2744.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Todd (Seventh District)

Todd County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Traverse (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Traverse County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Traverse County, please contact Traverse County Court Administration at (320) 422-7752.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Wabasha (Third District)

Wabasha County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Wadena (Seventh District)

Wadena County does not have a court-sponsored ECM or ENE Program. However, ENE is available through the Equal Access ENE Program. Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search the provider rosters. Equal Access providers use the Equal Access Fee Scale in this county. Interested parties must contact the ENE providers directly to set up services.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Waseca (Third District)


Email the ENE/ECM program »

Wilkin (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Wilkin County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Wilkin County, please contact Wilkin County Court Administration at (218) 643-7172.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

Wright (Tenth District)

Program Description (ENE)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search provider rosters and availability.


Email the ENE/ECM program »

Yellow Medicine (Eighth District)

Use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search Yellow Medicine County's ENE rosters.


For information specific to Yellow Medicine County, please contact Yellow Medicine County Court Administration at (320) 564-3325.

Email the ENE/ECM program »

You will find general and county specific information for Prospective and Current ENE Providers below, as well as Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) Resources for all ENE providers.

Prospective Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) Providers

ENE providers must complete an Initial ENE Provider Training course approved by the State Court Administrator’s Office (SCAO) and be added to the Master Training List. There may be additional requirements and application processes in each county.

Prior to completing the Initial ENE Provider Training course, potential providers should first review the county-specific program information for the counties in which they wish to serve to learn about local requirements and whether the counties are accepting applications for new ENE providers.
  • County-specific program information is available through the dropdown menu at the bottom of this page.
  • All programs use an online application and scheduling system called PASS (Provider Availability and Scheduling System), unless otherwise noted in their county-specific information. You must attend a free Provider PASS WebEx Training to apply through PASS. General application tips are in this document.
  • For information on attending or sponsoring Initial ENE Provider Training courses or Advanced ENE Provider Training courses, please see the Training Tab.
  • Certain programs require ENE providers to be Rule 114 Qualified Family Law mediators and evaluators. (Know the difference between Rule 114 Qualified Mediator and Evaluator Status.) Becoming Rule 114 Qualified requires participation in a ADR program certified training program. For more information on the requirements and application process, please visit the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board’s Website.
  • Certain programs require a certain number of ride-alongs with seasoned providers before applying. Providers may use the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) to search for scheduled ENE sessions and contact providers directly to set up ride-alongs. Select the option on the Provider Schedules Lookup to "Show me a list of provider's booked sessions." See the accordion menu below for more information on PASS. Use the State Ride-Along Certificate to document your ride-along and email it to PASS@courts.state.mn.us.

County-Specific Program Information

Use the dropdown menu below to find program-specific information.

If a county does not appear in the dropdown menu below, the county does not have an active ECM-ENE Program. If you have an interest in applying to serve as an ENE Provider in that county, you may apply to the Equal Access Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) for that county. Please review the application process and criteria for the Equal Access Program and the Equal Access Program Fee Scale before applying. A supplemental application is required (Word Version / PDF Version)  

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Anoka (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE and MSC providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) and/or Supplemental MSC Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE and Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE and MSC providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

MSC providers must meet all the same requirements as ENE providers, plus have had American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) MSC training and be an attorney.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Big Stone (Eighth District)

Please review their process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Blue Earth (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application (Word Version) and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Brown (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application (Word Version) and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Carver (First District)

To be added to the Financial Early Neutral Evaluator (FENE) and/or Social Early Neutral Evaluator (SENE) roster in Scott and/or Carver Counties, applicable ENE training and Rule 114 Qualified Status is required. There is no ride-along requirement. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis through on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) and are processed by the State Family ECM/ENE Program Manager on a monthly basis.  Submit a Supplemental Application (Word Version) along with applying through PASS.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Chippewa (Eighth District)

Please review their process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters.  Use the Supplemental Application along with PASS (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Chisago (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Clay (Seventh District)

Use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version).


Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Cottonwood (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Dakota (First District)

The Dakota ENE and Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSCs) Programs moved to the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) system February 15, 2019.  Providers previously on these rosters who were not registered in PASS by then missed the grandfathering deadline and must submit a Supplemental Application. New application will be accepted on an on-going basis. Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) providers may apply for single-provider (PASS service type = ONESENE) or team-provider rosters (PASS service type = SENE) or both.

Please review the ENE Program Policies and Fee Scales or MSC Program Policies and Fee Scales before applying to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the ENE Supplemental Application (Word Version / PDF Version) or MSC Supplemental Application along with PASS (Word Version / PDF Version).

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Dodge (Third District)

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. All previous providers must have applied in the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) and accepted the PASS policies by March 31, 2019, to have been grandfathered in.  All providers now use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version).

Applications will be pooled and considered as space available on the roster warrants. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time the pooled applications are considered.  Review the roster criteria (effective September 2018) before applying.  came effective September 21, 2018.


Faribault (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Fillmore (Third District)

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. All current providers must reapply and accept the PASS policies by March 31, 2019, to be grandfathered in and are not required to submit a supplemental application. New providers must also submit a Supplemental Application.

Applications will be pooled and considered as space available on the roster warrants. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time the pooled applications are considered.  New roster criteria became effective August 8, 2018.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Goodhue (First District)

Please review the Goodhue County process and criteria for the minimum criteria before applying to the rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version).

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information about PASS.

Grant (Eighth District)

Please review their process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Hennepin (Fourth District)

Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE) provider roster

Hennepin County accepts FENE roster applications on an on-going basis. Information for submitting the applications is at the bottom of the form.

Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) provider roster

Hennepin County's Family Court Services Division works with the Fourth District Family Court to assist families in resolving custody and parenting time disputes through. Hennepin County also has a semi-private, non-family court services division SENE Roster.  Please review their criteriaFull paper applications (Word Version) are accepted as well as applications through PASS with the PASS Supplemental ENE Application (Word Version). Hennepin County is not using PASS in the courtroom for scheduling and anyone accepted through PASS for the SENE Roster will be added to a separately maintained list.

Houston (Third District)

Houston County is considering updating its rosters. If you have an interest in applying to serve as an ENE Provider in this county, you may apply to its rosters through the online PASS application. Applications for this county will remain pending until they decide to update their rosters. When they do, you will be notified through PASS if any additional information is needed from you.
Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Isanti (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Itasca (Ninth District)

All providers must apply through the PASS (Provider Scheduling and Availability System) and submit a Supplemental Application (word version). Please review the Roster Criteria and Application Process before applying.
Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Jackson (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Kanabec (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Kandiyohi (Eighth District)

Please review the Kandiyohi process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System.

Koochiching (Ninth District)

Applications are accepted on an on-going basis for Koochiching County's ENE Provider Rosters. Please review the application process and criteria and fee scales before applying.  Use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version).

Lac Qui Parle (Eighth District)

Please review the Lac Qui Parle process and criteria for the minimum criteria before applying to the rosters. Use the Supplemental Application and the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Lincoln (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Lyon (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Martin (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

McLeod (First District)

To be placed on the roster for McLeod and Sibley counties you must be willing to abide by the fee structure and meet their roster criteria. When funds are available, after completing Social Early Neutral Evaluations (SENE) for two In Forma Pauperis (IFP) parties in a year, providers' subsequent IFP cases are subsidized.

Applications for Social Early Neutral Evaluation and Financial Neutral Evaluation(FENE) Rosters are considered on an on-going basis. Submit a Supplemental Application along with applying through Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS)(Word Version of Supplement.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Meeker (Eighth District)

Please review the Meeker County process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Murray (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan: Submit a Supplemental Application along with applying through Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System.

Nicollet (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Nobles (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Olmsted (Third District)

Olmsted accepts applications on an ongoing basis. Please verify you meet the criteria before submitting an application. Use the Supplemental Application along with PASS (Word Version / PDF Version).

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Otter Tail (Seventh District)

Otter Tail County accepts applications on an on-going basis. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 
Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System.

Pine (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Pipestone (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Pope (Eighth District)

Please review their process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before applying. Use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Ramsey (Second District)

The ENE Rosters for the Second Judicial District Family Court Division (Ramsey County) are currently closed. For reference, you may view the previous (2018) Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) Announcement and Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE) Announcement for past criteria and process.

Ramsey County has a dual process pilot program with scheduling through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) available in half the Initial Case Management Conferences.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System.

Redwood (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Renville (Eighth District)

Please review the Renville process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System.

Rice (Third District)

Rice County (re)launched their Early Case Management (ECM)/Early Motion Management (EMM), Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) and Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSCs) Programs on August 3, 2021.  The launch, previously scheduled for March 1, 2020, was suspended because of COVID-19. If you are interested in serving as an ENE or MSC Provider in Rice county, you may apply to the rosters through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) application. Use the ENE Supplemental Application (Word Version / PDF Version) or MSC Supplemental Application (Word Version / PDF Version) along with PASS.

Rice County ENE Fees
Rice County ENE Roster Application Process and Criteria
Rice County MSC Fees
Rice County MSC Provider Criteria
Rice County MSC Program Description
Rice County MSC Order Template

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Rock (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Scott (First District)

Prospective ENE Providers

Carver/Scott: To be added to the Financial Early Neutral Evaluator (FENE) and/or Social Early Neutral Evaluator (SENE) roster in Scott and/or Carver Counties, applicable ENE training and Rule 114 Qualified Status is required. There is no ride-along requirement. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis through Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) and are processed by the State Family ECM/ENE Program Manager on a monthly basis. Submit a Supplemental Application along with applying through PASS (Word Version of Supplement).

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Sherburne (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE and MSC providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) and/or Supplemental MSC Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE and Moderated Settlement Conferences (MSC) provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE and MSC providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

MSC providers must meet all the same requirements as ENE providers, plus have had American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) MSC training and be an attorney.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Sibley (First District)

To be placed on the roster for McLeod and Sibley counties you must be willing to abide by the fee structure and meet the roster criteria. When funds are available, after completing Social Early Neutral Evaluations (SENEs) for two In Forma Pauperis (IFP) parties in a year, providers' subsequent IFP cases are subsidized.

Applications for Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) and Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE) Rosters are considered on an on-going basis. All providers must apply through Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). Submit a Supplemental Application along with applying through PASS (Word Version of Supplement). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Stearns (Seventh District)

Stearns County is launching an ECM-ENE Program. If you have an interest in applying to serve as an ENE Provider in this county, you may apply to its rosters through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) application. Applications for this county will remain pending until such a time as they determine their criteria and open their rosters. You will be notified through PASS of any additional requirements when their rosters open.

Stevens (Eighth District)

Please review their process and criteria to see if you meet the minimum criteria before apply to their rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Swift (Eighth District)

Please review the Swift County process and criteria for the minimum criteria before applying to the rosters. Use the Supplemental Application and the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Traverse (Eighth District)

Please review the Traverse County process and criteria for the minimum criteria before applying to the rosters. Use the Supplemental Application and the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Waseca (Third District)

Applications for Waseca County are accepted on an ongoing basis. All providers must apply through the Provider Scheduling and Availability System (PASS).  New providers must submit a Supplemental Application.

Applications will be pooled and considered as space available on the roster warrants. Waseca County Roster Criteria.

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on PASS.

Washington (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Watonwan (Fifth District)

Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and Watonwan Counties:
Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement). Additional information will be request through the PASS system.  

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Wilkin (Eighth District)

Please review the Wilkin County process and criteria for the minimum criteria before applying to the rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with  Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.

Winona (Third District)

Applications for Winona County are accepted on an ongoing basis and will be pooled and considered as space is available on the roster.

Review the Winona County roster criteria before applying. Submit a Supplemental Application and apply through the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version of Supplement).

Winona County has openings for Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE) and Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) providers of both genders, but is in urgent need of male SENE and FENE providers.

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.


Wright (Tenth District)

Prospective ENE providers may apply to the Early Neutral Evaluation roster(s) through the online Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS). A Supplemental ENE Application (PDF/Word) is required.

The 10th District accepts ENE provider applications on an ongoing basis. Applications are considered at committee meetings twice a year if there is space available on the roster. The best applicants will be selected from those applications available at the time applications are considered.

Prospective ENE providers must complete PASS training and review the following information before applying:

Please see the section at the bottom of this Provider Information Tab for additional information on the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS).

Yellow Medicine (Eighth District)

Please review the Yellow Medicine County process and criteria for the minimum criteria before apply to the rosters. Use the Supplemental Application along with Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) (Word Version / PDF Version). 

Please see the section at the bottom of this tab for additional information on PASS.


Current ENE Providers

Information in this section is for ENE providers already listed on one or more program-approved provider rosters.


Tips/Checklist for Successful ENE Process
Financial ENE Provider's Report (PDF Version / Word Version)
Social ENE Provider's Report (PDF Version / Word Version)
Request for Order Extending Timelines for FENE or SENE (PDF Version / Word Version)
Minnesota eFile Support Center
Rule 114 Qualified Mediator and Evaluators Status
Equal Access ENE Data Sheet for EA providers' use. (PDF Version / Word Version)

Please see the Provider Availability and Scheduling System (PASS) accordion for PASS Resources.

County-Specific Program Information

Use the dropdown menu below to find program-specific information.

If a county does not appear in the dropdown menu below, the county does not have an active ECM-ENE program OR has no county-specific information available. 

For counties with programs that have no county-specific information available, please refer to the General/State information and forms above.

Anoka (Tenth District)

10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (PDF/Word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

Chisago (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers

10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (pdf/word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

Isanti (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers

10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program


ENE Consent for Release (pdf/word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

Kanabec (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers

10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (pdf/word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

Pine (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers

10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (pdf/word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

Sherburne (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers

10th District Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (PDF/Word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
Sherburne Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE) Scheduling Letter
Sherburne Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) Scheduling Letter
Sherburne Law Library Referral Form 

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for provider; no specific form is required to be used.

Washington (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers


10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (pdf/word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

Wright (Tenth District)

Current ENE Providers

10th District

Contact the 10th District ENE Program

ENE Consent for Release (pdf/word)
ENE Confidentiality Agreement  
10th District ENE Program Description
10th District ENE Fee Policy
10th District Program Policies and Guidelines
FENE Statement of Assets-Liabilities-Income (PDF/Word)
FENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)
SENE Memo of Understanding (PDF/Word)

Memos of Understanding are provided as an option for providers; no specific form is required to be used.

For general questions about ECM/ENE, contact the State Family ECM/ENE Program. 
NOTE: Due to the high number of emails received, it may take 4-5 business days to receive a response. 


General/Statewide Forms

Rule 114 ADR Program

Informational Video

The following presentation will provide you with information about the Initial Case Management Conference: