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Psychological Services Communication Archive Detail
Order Requiring Face Coverings in Court Facilities

Posted: Monday, July 13, 2020

Face coverings will be mandatory for anyone in a court facility beginning July 13, 2020, according to an order issued on July 7, 2020, by Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea. The order requires that people wear their own face coverings when they will be doing business in person with a district or appellate court. Visitors to any of the 105 court facilities should talk to court staff immediately upon entry if they do not have access to a face covering or have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing one. Visitors who do not have access to a face covering will be provided one. 
Before visiting a court facility, examiners should visit the Safe Reopening webpage to learn more about local court facility access and to review the updated Minnesota Judicial Branch COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.
To read the full face covering announcement, visit the Minnesota Judicial Branch News and Announcements webpage.