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Psychological Services Communication Archive Detail
COVID-19 Update to Examiners

Posted: Monday, March 23, 2020

On Friday, March 20, Chief Justice Lorie Gildea issued a Supreme Court Order No. ADM20-8001 (Order), effective March 23, 2020, establishing temporary procedures for case processing. Please see the Minnesota Judicial Branch COVID-19 webpage for the statewide order issued by Justice Gildea on March 13, 2020.
The Order states, in part,
“Public access to courtrooms will be limited to the parties in the case who are participating in the hearing, attorneys who represent those parties, and any necessary court staff, and other individuals the presiding judge determines are necessary to conduct the hearing.”
The Order issues new provisions governing Minnesota Judicial Branch operations in appellate and district court proceedings. Section B specifically addresses district court operations for civil commitment, in-custody criminal, and other matters designated as emergency proceedings to be heard in the courtroom.
Going forward, court-appointed examiners are encouraged to contact court administration in the county where the cases are located to verify the status of cases and their hearings and whether examiners are expected to participate in hearings remotely.
Attached is a communication sent to the Minnesota Judicial Branch from the Direct Care and Treatment (DCT) Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). It was requested this information be distributed to examiners that visit or use DHS facilities:

Again, thank you for your diligent work and understanding as we move forward during these challenging times.
Lisa Jore
Psych Examiner Services Coordinator
State Court Administrator’s Office