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Repository for Records of Court Proceedings (RRCP) Off-Network Filing

RRCP Technical Support

Official stenographic court reporters and per diem reporters may use the Off-Network Submission eForm web portal to file stenographic records of court proceedings held in Minnesota District Court in the RRCP, as required under Minnesota Judicial Council Policy 523: Storage of Captured Records of Court Proceedings

Change Password

If you need an account, please request one using the technical support form.

  1. Access change password form
  2. Enter User Name and Password
  3. Change Password
  4. Close out of tab or browser
Please note: Ignore the ActiveX message if your browser pop-up blocker is enabled

Upload Records

Video: RRCP Training »​ 

Quick Reference Guide: Filing Stenographic Records »​
Quick Reference Guide: Uploading an Alternate Recording to the RRCP

  1. Access the Off-Network Submission eForm web portal
  2. Enter User Name and Password
  3. Enter Court Reporter Name and County(ies) in which the court proceedings took place
  4. Complete other fields as applicable
  5. If uploading a stenographic record, upload translated notes and new or updated dictionary(ies) in RTF filetype.
  6. Press the “Submit Form” button to upload your eForm and complete your submission.

Upload Stenographic Records

You will receive an email confirming the records have been filed or an email advising you that the submission resulted in an exception.