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Video: How to File a Motion to Modify Child Support (Expedited Process)

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IMPORTANT: Before watching the video linked below you should:

STEP 1:  Get a copy of your current child support order. The order may be from a Child Support case, Paternity case, or a Divorce case. The forms will ask questions about the current child support order so you will need this information. Contact Court Administration in the county where your case is filed if you need to get a copy of your current child support order.

STEP 2:  Download the forms packet for the Motion to Modify Child Support. 

Motion to Modify Child Support Forms (Ex Pro): Forms to ask the court to modify your current child support order using the Expedited Process.  Use only if the County Child Support Office is involved in your case. If the child support comes directly out of your check, or if the other parent or joint child is receiving public assistance, the Child Support Office is probably involved in your case.

If the Child Support Office is NOT involved in your case, then use the Motion to Modify Child Support (District Ct.).

You may also need:
Fee Waiver Forms: Used if you have a low income and cannot afford the filing fee to file your motion.
Request for County to Serve Papers: Used only if you have tried to locate the other party with no success and the county child support office is involved in your case. The court may direct the child support office to mail your papers to the other party. These forms can only be used in Expedited Process.

STEP 3:  Watch all video chapters listed below on how to fill out and complete your Motion to Modify Child Support forms.

This video has 6 Chapters, and you may stop and re-start any chapter as needed. Start with Chapter 1 so you learn the steps required to file a Motion to Modify Child Support.

*The video is currently located on YouTube. The MN Judicial Branch and the Self-Represented Litigant Program are not responsible for any content found on YouTube other than the child support video listed below.  Videos are provided for general education purposes by the Self-Represented Litigant Program.

Watch on YouTube: How to File a Motion to Modify Child Support
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Motion to Modify Child Support
Chapter 3: Affidavit in Support of Motion to Modify Child Support
Chapter 4: Service and Affidavit of Service
Chapter 5: Confidential Forms and Filing
Chapter 6: Fee Waiver