Court Integration Services enables authorized agencies’ systems to exchange information with the Minnesota Judicial Branch systems.

Notification Services allows an authorized agency to get court information as events occur from the Minnesota Judicial Branch.  

Case Notification Services

The Case Notification service is a mechanism that allows court business partners to have case data delivered to their applications when specific events occur that affect court cases in the Minnesota court case management system, MNCIS. The information that is returned by the service is governed by the access rights the consumer has to MNCIS case records on their subscription.

      AgencyNoteAdded - An Agency Note was added to a case.   
      AgencyNoteModified - An Agency Note was changed on a case. 
      AgencyNoteDeleted - An Agency Note was deleted from a case.
      AgencyNoteUndeleted - An Agency Note previously deleted was restored to a case.  
      Appeal notification is under development at this time and is not currently available for use.
      AppealAdded - An Appeal was added to a case.      
      AppealModified - An Appeal was changed on a case. 
      AppealDeleted - An Appeal was deleted from a case. 
      AppealUndeleted - An Appeal previously deleted was restored to a case.
      CaseReassigned - A case is reassigned to a different court or judge.
      CaseAssignmentModified - A new judge is assigned to the case.
      CaseNumberModified - A change is made to the case number.
      CaseTitleModified - A change is made to the case title.
      CaseFlagAdded - A case flag is added to a case.
      CaseFlagModified - A case flag is modified on a case.
      CaseFlagDeleted - A case flag is deleted from a case.

      FamilyCaseInitiated - Family case was initiated.

      CaseExpunged - A court case was expunged.
      CaseDeleted - A court case was deleted to correct a clerical error.
      CaseSealed - A court case was sealed.
      CaseMadeConfidential - A court case was made confidential.

      CriminalCaseInitiated - Criminal case initiated.

      ChargeFiled - A new charge is added to a previously initiated case.
      ChargeAmended - A charge has been amended on a case.
      ChargeAmendmentDeleted - A charge amendment has been deleted on a case.
      ChargeModified - A charge has been modified to fix a clerical error.
      ChargeDeleted    A charge has been deleted on a case.
      PleaAdded - A plea has been added to a charge.
      PleaAmended - A plea has been amended.
      PleaAmendmentDeleted - A plea amendment has been deleted.
      PleaModified - A plea has been modified to fix a clerical error.
      PleaDeleted - A plea has been deleted.

      CourtDecisionAdded - A court decision has been added.
      CourtDecisionAmended - A court decision has been amended.
      CourtDecisionModified - A court decision was modified to fix a clerical error.
      CourtDecisionDeleted - A court decision has been deleted.
      CourtDecisionAmendmentDeleted - An amendment to a court decision has been removed.
      CourtDecisionUndeleted - A deleted non-criminal court decision has been undeleted.
      CourtDecisionAmendmentUndeleted - A deleted non-criminal court decision amendment has been undeleted. 

      ChargeAmended - A charge has been amended. 
      ChargeModified - A charge has been modified to fix a clerical error.
      ChargeDeleted - A charge has been deleted.
      PleaAdded - A plea has been added on a charge.
      PleaAmended - A plea has been amended..
      PleaAmendmentDeleted - An amendment to a plea has been backed out.
      PleaModified - A plea has been modified to fix a clerical error.
      PleaDeleted - A plea has been deleted.
      DispositionAdded - A disposition has been added on a charge.
      DispositionModified - A disposition is modified to fix a clerical error.
      DispositionAmended - A disposition has been amended.
      DispositionAmendmentDeleted - An amendment to a disposition has been backed out.
      DispositionDeleted - A disposition has been deleted.

      CustodyReleaseOrderAdded - A custody release order has been added.
      CustodyReleaseOrderDeleted - A custody release order event is deleted to fix a clerical error.
      CustodyReleaseOrderModified - A custody release order event is modified.
      CustodyReleaseOrderUnDeleted - A custody release order event previously deleted is restored.

      HearingScheduled - A hearing has been scheduled.
      HearingCancelled - A hearing is canceled if the hearing no longer needs to take place.
      HearingDeleted - A hearing is deleted if the hearing is scheduled in error.
      HearingModified - A hearing is modified when hearing type or interpreter required is changed.
      SettingScheduled- An additional setting is added to a hearing with at least one setting.
      SettingRescheduled - A setting of a hearing or a single setting hearing is rescheduled.
      SettingCancelled - One setting of the hearing is canceled.
      SettingModified - A setting time has changed.
      SettingHeld - A setting of hearing actually occurred.
      SettingHeldReversed - A setting marked as being held was undone.
      SettingHeldModified - A setting was marked as being held, but is modified at a later time.
      CourtSessionCourtroomAdded - A courtroom location has been added to a specific court session.
      CourtSessionCourtroomChange - A courtroom location has been changed for a court session.
      CourtSessionCourtroomDeleted - A courtroom location has been deleted from a court session.
      CourtSessionJudicialOfficerAdded - A judicial officer has been added to a court session.
      CourtSessionJudicialOfficerChange - A judicial officer has been changed for a specific court session.
      CourtSessionJudicialOfficerDeleted - A judicial officer has been deleted from a specific court session.

      InterimConditionsAdded - An interim condition set has been added to a subject party.
      InterimConditionsModified - An interim condition set has been modified.
      InterimConditionsDeleted - An interim condition set has been deleted.
      InterimConditionsExpired - An interim condition set has been expired.

      InterimPlacementAdded - A juvenile interim placement order has been added to a case.
      InterimPlacementModified - A juvenile interim placement is modified.
      InterimPlacementDeleted - A juvenile interim placement is deleted.

      NoContactOrderAdded - A No Contact Order condition has been added.
      NoContactOrderDeleted - A No Contact Order condition is deleted to fix a clerical error.
      NoContactOrderModified - A No Contact Order condition is modified.

      OtherAgencyNumberAdded - An Other Agency Cross Reference has been added.
      OtherAgencyNumberModified - An existing Other Agency Number on the case has been modified.
      OtherAgencyNumberDeleted - An Other Agency Number has been deleted from the case.

      ProbationOrderAdded - A Probation Order has been added to a case.
      ProbationOrderDeleted - A Probation Order event is deleted due to clerical error.
      ProbationOrderModified - A Probation Order event is modified.
      ProbationOrderUnDeleted - A Probation Order event that was previously deleted is restored.

      PublicDefenderOrderAdded - A public defender order has been added to a case.
      PublicDefenderOrderDeleted - A public defender order is deleted to correct a clerical error.
      PublicDefenderOrderModified - A public defender order is modified.
      PublicDefenderOrderUnDeleted - A public defender order previously deleted is restored.

      SubjectPartyAdded - A Subject Party has been added.
      SubjectPartyModified - A Subject party’s connection to a case is altered.
      SubjectPartyRemoved - A Subject party is removed from the case.
      SubjectPartyNameAdded - An additional name is added to the case party.
      SubjectPartyNameModified - An existing name on the case is modified.
      SubjectPartyCaseAddressAdded - A case address is added to a party on the case.
      SubjectPartyCaseAddressModified - A case party’s address is modified.
      SubjectPartyCaseAddressDeleted - A party’s address is removed to fix an error.
      AttorneyAdded - An attorney is added to represent a party on the case.
      AttorneyRemoved - An attorney is removed from the case.
      AttorneyDetailsModified - An attorney is made lead attorney or is replaced as the lead.
      AttorneyCaseAddressAdded - An address is added on the attorney for a party on the case.
      AttorneyCaseAddressModified - An address is modified on the attorney for a party on the case.
      AttorneyCaseAddressDeleted - An address is removed on the attorney for a party on the case.

      TransportAdded - A transport event has been added.
      TransportDeleted - A transport event is deleted to correct a clerical error.
      TransportModified - A transport event is modified due to a court action or court order.
      TransportUnDeleted - A transport event that was previously deleted is restored.

      WarrantIssued - A warrant has been issued.
      WarrantInactivated - A warrant status is changed from issued to inactive.
      WarrantModified - A warrant is modified, but the status remains unchanged.
Case Notification_3_8.xsd uses CourtXML 3.3 Base schema
Case Notification_3_8_NoEnum.xsd uses CourtXML 3.3 Base schema without enumerations
CourtXML_3_3.xsd Base schema
CourtXML_3_3.xsd_NoEnum Base schema
For prior Schema versions, please view our CourtXML page.
SimpleType Schemas and Companion Files required for CourtXML Base schema
MQ Series
     Defined by subscriber

Web Services
Service Address: WebServices/ServiceCatalog/CaseNotificationService_3_8.svc
A copy of the WSDL is available on our public website. By default this points at the Test/QA environment. At runtime you will need to update the endpoint address to reflect the environment you are using.
Message Receiver Web Service developed using VB.Net with Visual Studio 2010.
Windows Application used to Pull Case Notification messages developed using VB.Net with Visual Studio 2010.