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In Re: The Investigation into the Death of Prince Rogers Nelson

This page includes all public documents filed in re: The Investigation into the Death of Prince Rogers Nelson.  All publicly accessible court documents in the investigation file will be posted here.  Any documents that are filed under seal will be posted if and when they are made publicly accessible. The public documents are also accessible through the district court case management system under Administrative File # 10CV16997.

Please note that the documents below are listed under the date on which they were filed, regardless of when they were publically released (April 17, 2017). Also, in addition to the actual search warrants, this page also includes all public documents associated with them. To read only the search warrants, click only on the links labled as such.

Documents (posted in reverse chronological order, with the most recent document on top):

April 13, 2017 October 20, 2016​ September 19, 2016 June 10, 2016 June 1, 2016  May 6, 2016 April 27, 2016 


Kyle Christopherson
Communications Specialist
(651) 297-4029