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27-CV-10-28862: State of Minnesota vs. 3M Company

This case was filed in Hennepin County District Court on Dec. 30, 2010. The judge currently hearing this case is Fourth Judicial District Judge Kevin Burke.

This page includes some of the public documents in the case filed after February 14, 2018. It also includes the original complaints and answers filed in the case, for reference. A full record of the register of actions is available in the district court case management system.

Documents not posted on this site will need to be ordered from the Hennepin County District Court Records Center, or viewed at a public terminal at any courthouse in Minnesota.

Documents (posted in reverse chronological order, by category, with the most recent document on top):

February 20, 2018:

Agreement and Order

February 15, 2018:
Order re: Motion in Limine re: Paulson litigation

February 14, 2018:
Exhibit list
Response to brief

Complaint 11-07-2011
Complaint 01-18-2011
Complaint 01-18-2011
Complaint 01-16-2011
Complaint 12-30-2010

Answer 01-09-2012
Answer 08-30-2011
Answer 02-28-2011
Answer 02-11-2011

Dismissal 06-09-2017

Spenser Bickett
Communications Specialist
(651) 348-5022