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Committee for Equality and Justice

In June 2010, the Minnesota Judicial Council authorized formation of the Committee for Equality and Justice (CEJ).

CEJ Strategic Plan


To work collaboratively across the Judicial Branch to advance efforts to eliminate bias from court operations, promote equal access to the court, and inspire a high level of trust and public confidence in the Minnesota Judicial Branch.

To accomplish this mission, the CEJ is charged with:

  1. Recommending diversity and inclusion education programs and course materials for judges and Judicial Branch employees;
  2. Promoting diversity and inclusion in the Judicial Branch employment and in appointments to Judicial Branch committees and boards to reflect the population served by the Judicial Branch;
  3. Making recommendations for improvement in court processes, procedures and policies  as they relate to race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, and any other status protected by law; and
  4. Assisting district Equal Justice Committees in their work at the local level, and providing assistance in outreach efforts to the communities they serve.
CEJ membership is reflective of the state’s geographic and demographic diversity. It is comprised of 28 individuals who are justice system partners, attorneys, court employees, judges and members of the public. 
Committee for Equality and Justice Reports

Former Gender Fairness Implementation Committee and Racial Fairness Committee Final Reports

The Gender Fairness Implementation Committee and the Racial Fairness Implementation Committee were sunsetted in 2010.  This work is continued by the Committee for Equality and Justice (CEJ). 
  Additional Gender Fairness Implementation Committee and the Racial Fairness Implementation Committee Reports are available on the Publications and Reports page.

Contact the Committee for Equality and Justice if you need help locating CEJ information.
Since June 2008, Equal Justice Committees from each of the 10 judicial districts, engage in an initiative aimed at learning how the community views racial, ethnic, and other areas of fairness in the Minnesota court system. The Second Judicial District piloted the first Community Dialogue session on June 30, 2008. Since the pilot session, other judicial districts have hosted Community Dialogue sessions with their local community members. Below are the summary reports from each Community Dialogue session that has been held.

The suggestions proposed at the Community Dialogue Sessions are reported here to reflect the substance of the discussion at each dialogue session. Unless otherwise noted, the Judicial Branch has not formally adopted these suggestions.

District Finder

CEJ Ten-Year Review of Community Dialogues 2008 - 2018