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Court Payment Center Payment Plan

Eligibility Requirements
You may be eligible for a payment plan if:
  • You were given a citation.
  • All offense(s) on the citation are payable without a hearing and you are not required to appear for court.
  • This is the first time you have asked for a payment plan on the case.
  • You have not already appeared for court or before a hearing officer.
  • A second late penalty fee has not been added.
Payment Plan Terms & Conditions
If you are approved for a payment plan you agree to pay the total fine amount owed at a rate of $50 per month by the due dates listed on the payment plan summary.  The summary will be sent to the email address you provided.

Under Minn. Stat. § 480.15, subd. 10c, unpaid fines may be referred for collections.  You have the right to contest the referral.

  • Complete the application and click the Submit button.
  • A member of our team will contact you at the email address or phone number proved about next steps.
  • Information submitted through this form does not change your contact information with the court.  Contact Court Administration in the county where your case is filed if you want to change you address, telephone number, or email address.
Applicant Information

Find Citation/Case Number