dodge county courthouse, MJB Web, Funnelback Search

1,121 - 1,130 of 1,182 search results for dodge county courthouse where 179 match all words and 1,003 match some words.


  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (157k)

    23 May 2022: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Attendees. Justice Partner Attendees: Jeanette Boerner (Hennepin County Adult Representative Services), Aimee. ... For. example, the public defender in Chisago County tries to meet with all of their juvenile delinquency.
  3. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (178k)

    23 May 2022: attorneys to connect outside of hearings. They pointed to Brookdale and Ridgedale, in Hennepin County,. ... person hearings and the courthouse. Additionally, the Department of Corrections and the Department.
  4. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (160k)

    18 May 2022: Each district. may establish a single criminal hearings plan for all courthouses within the district, or may choose to. ... counties. Currently, attorneys need to call the courthouse to find out how exhibits are submitted.
  5. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (147k)

    14 Nov 2022: When participating in a hearing remotely survivors are empowered and do not have to worry about encountering their abuser in a parking lot or courthouse. ... For instance, two attorneys had spouses that took jobs outside of the county.
  6. Russian Glossary PDF (1056k)

    14 Sep 2012: Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento. 720 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814. ... CERTIFICATION - A judge's order to move a criminal case to another court in a different county.
  7. Anoka Memo of Understanding of Financial Issues (7.16.15) PDF (27k)

    12 Mar 2020: 1 (Rice 7/31/18 adl). [ENEFINAGR]. STATE OF MINNESOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RICE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ... Please send this form to: Court Administrator, Rice County District Court Rice County Courthouse 218 NW Third St, Suite 300 Faribault, MN
  8. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (161k)

    18 May 2022: Each district. may establish a single criminal hearings plan for all courthouses within the district, or may choose to. ... Additionally, all. courthouses have remote hearing rooms that allow court customers to participate in their hearings.
  9. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (150k)

    14 Nov 2022: Earlier this summer a county jail announced it would be returning to pre-pandemic processes. ... This practice sets people up with charges in other counties up for failure.
  10. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (168k)

    29 Nov 2022: Robert Small (Minnesota County Attorneys Association), DeAna Smith (Domestic Abuse Service Cent er),. ... courthouse. Its initial set of decorum strategies focuses on education and training materials.
  11. OHI Justice Partner Meetings PDF (149k)

    14 Nov 2022: Earlier this summer a county jail announced it would be returning to pre-pandemic processes. ... Most counties set their hearings for 15 minutes and it makes for a tight hearing schedule.



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