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Minnesota Court Information Office

The Minnesota Court Information Office (CIO) is the communications, public affairs, and media relations division of the Minnesota Judicial Branch.  The office answers media and general public inquiries about the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and District Courts.  It also oversees the judiciary's public outreach and education programs, and its public and employee Websites.

Related Links:

Kim Pleticha
Court Information Office
Director of Public Affairs
(651) 296-6043 (phone)
(651) 297-5636 (fax)
Send an email via our contact form

Lissa Finne
Court Information Office
Communications Specialist
(651) 297-5532 (phone)
(651) 297-5636 (fax)
Send an email via our contact form

Kyle Christopherson
Court Information Office
Communications Specialist
(651) 297-4029 (phone)
(651) 297-5636 (fax)
Send an email via our contact form

Court Information Office 

Minnesota Judicial Center (MJC)
25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Please note: Minnesota Judicial Branch employees cannot provide legal advice, interpret law, or comment regarding court rulings. We recommend that you consult a lawyer or contact an organization for attorneys.