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Beware of Jury Scams

Scammers are calling people and pretending to be from Minnesota courts. In some cases, they “spoof” the court telephone number so it looks like you are receiving a call from the court or from a law enforcement agency.

In these calls, the scammer says you must pay a fine for missing jury service. The scammer might ask for your credit card number or suggest some other way to pay the fine and avoid jail time.

Although jury service is an important civic responsibility, Minnesota courts/law enforcement will never call you and demand that you pay a fine for missing jury service.

If you receive a call asking you to pay a fine for missing jury service:
  • Do not give out your credit card number or make any payment!
  • Do not share any personal information, such as your social security number.
  • Report the call to your local law enforcement agency.
  • Contact your jury office if you have questions.
Jury poster: DID YOU KNOW? Court officers will never ask for payment, a credit card or social security number for failure to appear for jury duty. Report suspicious activity to your local law enforcement agency.