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Public Notice Detail
Order Regarding Conservatorship and Guardianship Legislative Changes

Posted: Friday, April 16, 2021

On April 7, 2021, the Supreme Court issued an order adopting the recommendations of the Access Rules Committee listing the Act of May 16, 2020, ch. 86, art. 1, among the statutes superseded by the Access Rules to the extent they are inconsistent.  The Act of May 16, 2020, ch. 86, art. 1, attempted to alter public access policy in guardianship and conservatorship matters by creating a bill of particulars and expanding confidentiality from medical/health and financial “records” to medical/health and financial information.”   By orders issued on July 22, 2020, the Court previously paused implementation of the legislation until further order of the court.  The Court’s April 7, 2021 order continues to make the legislation NOT applicable to court records to the extent inconsistent with the Access Rules approach. 
This April 7 Supreme Court order and its accompanying rule change now make permanent that, notwithstanding the legislation, classification of judicial branch records as public or nonpublic and the procedure for submitting such records is governed by the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch and procedures in the General Rules of Practice for the District Courts.
 If you have questions about this information please contact the Self-Help Center.