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News Item
Minnesota Courts make electronic proof of insurance permanent

Posted: Tuesday, September 19, 2023

If you have been charged with No Proof of Insurance or No Insurance, and the vehicle you were driving was insured on the date of the offense, you can now submit your proof of insurance online. Minnesota’s Court Payment Center recently made the electronic submission of proof of insurance a permanent option on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website.

The court conducted an electronic proof of insurance pilot program last year to test whether court customers found electronic submissions helpful. The response was overwhelmingly positive: 40% of insurance submissions to the Minnesota Court Payment Center were done online.

“We really didn’t publicize the electronic proof of insurance option during the pilot period, so we were pleasantly surprised to see that so many people used it,” said Court Payment Center Manager Rebecca Becker. “We’re thrilled that court customers appreciate, value, and will use an online submission method for their proof of insurance documentation.”
Submitting proof of insurance online is simple:
  1. Go to the Pay Fines page of mncourts.gov
  2. Select the How do I show proof of insurance? tab
  3. Click on Email: Request to submit via email
After submitting the email web form, you will receive a confirmation email to which you can reply with an electronic copy—a photo or a PDF—of your proof of insurance.
The idea for an electronic insurance submission process sprung from customer feedback. The Branch surveys court customers every few years about its processes, and the ability to do court business online was something customers requested.

“Customers told us they wanted more self-service options,” Becker said. “Submitting insurance documents via email seemed a natural fit, so we worked on making it simple, secure, and speedy.”