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Dodge Courthouse History

Started in 1865, the Dodge County Courthouse is built with 40-inch thick locally quarried limestone, which workers slid to the site over frozen ground. The building was completed in 1871 and cost $15,000. It was designed by E. Townshend Mix of Milwaukee. 

Because of its prominent porch or portico supported by four columns, which were added in 1900, the building is usually described as Greek Revival. However, the dome, arched windows, steep gables, and other aspects of the building are more Renaissance style. The photo above shows the building as it looked in 1960.

The flagpole was donated by the Mayo Clinic in 1975, the same year in which the roof was replaced, the wood was repainted, downspouts were added, and other improvements were made.

Historical information adapted from "The First 100 Years... The Minnesota State Bar Association."

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