Now Accepting Applications: FY 2026-2027 Guardianship/Conservatorship Attorney Panel
The Fourth Judicial District is seeking attorneys to serve on a Guardianship Attorney Panel to handle non-fee waiver cases. Attorneys from this panel will be appointed to represent the respondent on guardianship and/or conservatorship cases where private counsel has not been hired and the respondent does not qualify for a fee waiver.
Guardianship and Conservatorship hearings are presumptively heard remotely, unless exceptional circumstances exist to deviate to an in-person setting.
- Must be an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Minnesota, with no disciplinary actions within the past five years
- Must have at least five years of experience as a practicing attorney in guardianship, conservatorship, elder law, or estate planning.
- Must carry current malpractice insurance.
- Must agree to cover at least one daily calendar and one emergency week every three months for a period of two years.
- Must not cancel a scheduled assignment more than twice in a twelve-month period.
- Must meet with clients prior to all hearings.
- Agree to set a flat rate of $250 per hour, plus costs and expenses reasonably incurred for services, not to exceed a total of $2,500 in uncontested cases and $7,500 in cases where an objection is filed, unless approved by the presiding judge.
- Attorneys will be responsible for billing and collecting their fees from the respondent, conservator, or guardian.
To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and completed application using the submission instructions in the Application (Word or PDF).
Application deadline: April 30, 2025
Requirement for All Court-Appointed Guardians in Minnesota
Use of MyMNGuardian (MMG) is mandatory per MN Supreme Court Order for all court-appointed guardians in Minnesota. All guardians or their attorneys are required to file annual Personal Well-Being Reports and Affidavits of Service using the MMG online application.
Minnesota Digital Exhibit System (MNDES)
The Minnesota Digital Exhibit System (MNDES) is a way to share digital exhibits with the court and parties in a case without the need for physical copies in. This will not replace the use of Electronic Medical Records Submission Portal (EMRS) for Civil Commitment cases.
MNDES allows users to easily submit, store, and access digital exhibits (audio, video, documents, and images) in a consistent manner. MNDES is a simpler, more secure way of managing digital exhibits than by email, network drives, or digital storage devices, and allows exhibits to be easily accessed for both remote and in-person hearings.
Submitting exhibits via MNDES is the easiest way to provide digital exhibits to the court. You must also follow Court Rules concerning exhibits, including sending the exhibits to other parties involved in your case.
For additional information and access to MNDES, please visit the Exhibits and Evidence Help Topic.
Roster of Qualified Examiners of the Psychological/Psychiatric Examiner Services Program
Hennepin County District Court invites psychologists or psychiatrists who meet the qualifications to express interest in being listed on the Roster of Qualified Examiners of the Psychological/Psychiatric Examiner Services Program of the Minnesota Judicial Branch, specifically to work as civil commitment examiner in Hennepin County Mental Health Court.
This is professional work requiring strong clinical and diagnostic skills, excellent writing abilities, comfort with videoconference evaluation, and capacity to successfully work in a fast-paced environment. Work includes performing forensic psychological evaluations of adult and/or adolescent clients largely through interview and record review. Emphasis of the work is on the evaluation of psychiatric symptoms, chemical health problems, and/or developmental disabilities in order to offer expert opinions regarding treatment needs and appropriateness of civil commitment.
Rostered examiners provide various district courts with access to qualified psychiatric or psychological examiners for appointment in civil commitment and/or Minn. Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 20 proceedings. Examiners listed on the Roster are licensed physicians or psychologists, meet the definition of a qualified examiner according to
Minn. Stat. 253B.02 Subd.7, and agree to comply with State Court Administration Psychological/Psychiatric Examiner Services Policies. While previous experiences in civil commitment can be beneficial, we are also willing to provide training opportunities for qualified examiners looking to begin forensic work in this area. Additionally, this is a flexible position that allows the examiner to select the days or case types they have interest in accepting.
Psychologists or psychiatrists who are interested in working in Hennepin County Mental Health Court should contact the Probate-Mental Health Division. For more information about the Roster of Qualified Examiners, please visit
Minnesota Judicial Branch - Psychological Services Examiner (
Release of Funds
Upon reaching the age of majority (18 years old), an account beneficiary must file a request with the court to access money deposited in restricted accounts.
- The beneficiary must fill out a Petition for Release of Funds and file it with the court either in person, by U.S. mail or in our eFile & eServe system. There is no fee to file the petition.
- The court will then issue an Order and provide one certified copy to the petitioner at no cost. In most cases, the court issues orders on the same business day, or within 1 to 2 days of the filing.
- If original financial source documents were previously filed with the court, the beneficiary must submit proof of identification in person to the court for the release of the financial documents. Please call the court at (612) 348-6000 to determine if original financial source documents are on file with the court.
The court will not grant the release of funds to anyone other than the named beneficiary (minor who turned 18) or guardian of an adult person subject to guardianship without a subsequent court order.
commencing or
account hearing petitions are filed, the actions will be scheduled on the following days:
- Formal Estates (Commencing) - Mondays
- Formal Estates (Subsequent) - Wednesday mornings
- Trusts (Commencing & Accounts) - Wednesday afternoons
- Guardian/Conservator (Commencing) - Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Guardian/Conservator (Accounts) - Tuesdays and Thursdays
The filing party must include either a cover letter with the petition, or the party must add a comment in the
eFile & Serve envelope specifying the dates that will not work for his/her schedule, if conflicts exist. If you don't include specific dates, then we will assume the matter may be scheduled on any date. The court will notify the filing party of the hearing date as soon as possible. Court hearings are typically scheduled within 45 to 60 days of receiving a petition.
Notice: Conservators appointed by the court must e-file their annual reports using
MyMNConservator (MMC).