Forms for bringing a case in conciliation court (sometimes called small claims court), for filing a counterclaim and information about how to collect on a judgment are available under the Help Topic
Petitions for orders for protection must be reviewed by a judge. Because daily court calendars are busy, it may take awhile before a judge is available to review the request. Please be prepared to wait or return later. Petitions started too late in the day may mean they won't be addressed until the next business day.
BE SURE TO READ THE BACK OF YOUR CITATION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. IF YOU RECEIVED A PAMPHLET WITH YOUR CITATION, BE SURE TO READ THE PAMPHLET. You may calculate your fine by reading the following schedule of fines. If you have questions regarding your citation, please call Court Administration (10 days after receipt of your tickets). YOU MUST APPEAR IN COURT IF THE ENDANGERED BOX IS CHECKED ON YOUR CITATION.
To find your fine amount, note the statute number of the offense you are charged with and locate it on the Statewide Payables Lists.
You must appear in court if:
- The officer noted "endangered life or property" on your citation
- The statute number you were charged with does not appear on the Payable List
Note: If you must, or wish to, come to court and your citation does not reflect a court date, please call (763) 760-6300 Ext. 186201 to schedule an arraignment.
Questions about
No Proof of Insurance,
Drivers License Suspensions, Reinstating Suspended Driver License etc. can be answered on the
FAQ tab at
Pay Fines.
Reinstating Your Suspended Driver License
If your driver's license is suspended due to an unpaid fine, you will not be valid to drive until the court receives payment, the notification process to Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) has been completed and the state has reinstated your driving privileges. You may have incurred additional fees for reinstatement with DVS as well. You should contact them directly at (651) 296-2035 to determine what is needed to reinstate your license.
Paying Court Ordered Fines
All fines, surcharges, court costs, restitution, and/or fees imposed are due on the date imposed (the date of sentence) unless the court otherwise establishes a due date or a payment plan.
To make payment arrangements, contact Wright County Court Administration prior to the due date reflected on your order. Call the financial division at (763) 760-6300, Monday - Friday between 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Gross Misdemeanor/Felony charges
Payments should be made to Wright County Court Administration, 3700 Braddock Ave, Room 1100, Buffalo, MN 55313 (please do not mail cash) or pay by Visa / Discover / MasterCard over the phone at (763) 760-6314.
Misdemeanor/Petty Misdemeanor charges
Payments can be made online, over the phone or by mail.
- Mail-in payments should by check made to the Minnesota Court Payment Center, PO BOX 898, Willmar, MN 56201 (please do not mail cash).
- Pay by Visa / MasterCard online or over the phone at (651) 281-3219 (metro) or 1 (800) 657-3611 (outstate). There is a small convenience fee for credit card payment options.
Under Minn. Stat. § 480.15, subd. 10 c, any portion of a fine, surcharge, court cost, restitution, or fee that you fail to pay by the due date may be referred to collections, and collection costs may be added to the amount due. In addition, your driver license may be suspended and action may be taken for recapture of your tax refunds (revenue recapture).
If you have agreed to a payment plan but fail to pay an installment when due, the entire amount remaining becomes due and payable and may be referred for collection.
You have the right to contest a referral to collections based on inability to pay by requesting a hearing no later than the due date.
Criminal and Traffic Hearing Continuance Requests
Court administration may address the first request for continuance for the first appearance or arraignment when made prior to the court date and time. All other requests to continue hearings related to criminal and traffic cases must be in writing and submitted to a judge for approval. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney must make the request. Except for arraignments, you must have advance approval from the prosecutor that the matter may be continued.
Your request must contain the following information:
- your name
- file number
- current court date
- reason for continuance
- confirmation that the prosecutor is in agreement (note specifically who you talked to) - Related Agency Contact Information
- a contact phone number
OR use this form: Request for Continuance
Mail your request to:
Court Administration
Attention: Criminal/Traffic
Wright County Justice Center
3700 Braddock Avenue, Room 1100
Buffalo, MN 55313
Or, Fax your request to: (763) 682-7300
If your request is granted, you will be contacted by Court Administration. It may be your responsibility to notify all other parties involved of the new court date and time.
Need to Schedule a Presentence Investigation (PSI):
- For Misdemeanor or Gross Misdemeanor charges call (763) 684-4515
- For Felony charges call (763) 279-0341
Related Agency Contact Information:
The following agencies may be involved with your court case:
- Wright County Court Services: (763) 682-7308
- Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC): (763) 682-1706
- State Public Defenders (Wright County Office): (763) 682-4306
- Wright County Attorney: (763) 682-7340
- Buffalo/Annandale/Howard Lake City Prosecutor: (763) 682-3361
- Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS): (651) 296-2035
For additional Wright County information go to the Wright County website.