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Expedited Civil Litigation Track Pilot Project

The Expedited Litigation Track (ELT) pilot project – sometimes referred to as “Rocket Docket” – aims to improve the manner in which district courts process civil cases to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of civil cases.
The pilot has been in place in two Minnesota locations since July 1, 2013: Dakota County in the First Judicial District, and St. Louis County (Duluth) in the Sixth Judicial District. Effective January 1, 2016, Hennepin County District Court, which represents Minnesota’s Fourth Judicial District, was added to the pilot. Effective July 1, 2016, Olmsted County was added to the pilot. Effective March 1, 2019, the remainder of the Sixth Judicial District will be added to the pilot.
The civil case types assigned to the ELT pilot track are: Consumer Credit Contract, Other Contract, Personal Injury, Other Civil, and Conciliation Court Appeals. For a complete list of civil case types see the civil case type index.
The cases assigned to the ELT are managed through a process that assures early involvement by a judge at a Mandatory Early Case Management Conference or through a scheduling order; limited discovery; curtailed continuances; and the setting of a trial date within four to six months of filing of the action or, where applicable, assignment to ELT.
Assignment of cases to the ELT is mandatory, subject to the right of a party to bring a motion within a certain time period to opt out. In Hennepin County, the case types Other Contract, Personal Injury, and Other Civil will be included in the pilot program at the discretion of the assigned judge. 
Read the Supreme Court order authorizing the pilot
Read the Supreme Court order expanding the pilot to Hennepin County
Read the Supreme Court order expanding the pilot to Olmsted County
Read the Supreme Court order expanding the pilot to the Sixth District
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