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Juvenile Delinquency Forms

The following forms are provided as an aid to practitioners and the court in the juvenile justice system.  The forms are not mandatory, but shall be accepted by the court if offered by any party or counsel for their designated purpose.  The Advisory Committee on Juvenile Delinquency Rules strongly recommends that Forms 12 through 16 be used in all felony level or enhanceable cases. A sample petition may be found on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website.
  1. Petition – DELETED
  2. Notice of the Rights of Victims in Juvenile Court – Microsoft Word
  3. Notice in Lieu of Summons – Microsoft Word
  4. Summons – Microsoft Word
  5. Prosecutor’s Request for Disclosure – Microsoft Word
  6. Prosecutor’s Notice of Evidence and Identification Procedures – Microsoft Word
  7. Petition to Proceed Pro Se in Juvenile Delinquency Proceeding – Microsoft Word
  8. Statement of Rights: Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings – PDF
  9. Statement of Rights: Juvenile Petty Offender Proceedings – Microsoft Word
  10. Statement of Rights: Juvenile Traffic Offender Proceedings – PDF
  11. Statement of Rights: Juvenile Probation Revocation – Microsoft Word
  12. Waiver of Right to Contested Hearing in Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Case – Microsoft Word
  13. Waiver of Right to Contested Hearing in Non-Presumptive Certification Case – Microsoft Word
  14. Waiver of Right to Contested Hearing in Presumptive Certification Case – Microsoft Word
  15. Petition to Enter Plea of Guilty in Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Case – Microsoft Word
  16. Petition to Enter Plea of Guilty in Juvenile Delinquency Matter – Microsoft Word
  17. EJJ Adult Stayed Sentence – Microsoft Word