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Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure Appendices and Forms

Appendix A (Special Proceedings Under Rule 81.01): PDF

Appendix B (1) (List of Rules Superseding Statutes): PDF

Appendix B (2) (List of Statutes Superseded by Rules): PDF

Appendix of Forms

Introductory Statement
  1. The following forms are intended for illustration only.  They are limited in number.  No attempt is made to furnish a manual of forms
  2. Except where otherwise indicated, each pleading, motion, and other paper should have a caption similar to that in the summons, with the designation of the particular paper substituted for the word "SUMMONS."  In the caption of the summons and in the caption of the complaint, all parties must be named, but in other pleadings and papers it is sufficient to state the name of the first party on either side, with an appropriate indication of other parties.  See Rules 4.01, 7.02(2), 10.01.
  3. Each pleading, motion, motion and other paper is to be signed in his individual name by at least one attorney of record.  (Rule 11.)  The attorney's name is to be followed by his address as indicated in Form 2.  In forms following Form 2 the signature and address are not indicated.
  4. If a party is not represented by an attorney, the signature and address of the party are required in place of those of the attorney.

Form 1. Summons - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 2. Complaint on a Promissory Note - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 3. Complaint on an Account - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 4. Complaint for Goods Sold and Delivered - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 5. Complaint for Money Lent - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 6. Complaint for Money Paid by Mistake - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 7. Complaint for Money Had and Received - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 8. Complaint for Negligence - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 9. Complaint for Negligence Where Plaintiff is Unable To Determine Definitely Whether the Person Responsible is C.D. or E.F. or Whether Both are Responsible and Whether His Evidence May Justify a Finding of Wilfulness or of Recklessness or of Negligence - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 10. Complaint for Conversion - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 11. Complaint for Specific Performance of Contract to Convey Land - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 12. Complaint on Claim for Debt and to Set Aside Fraudulent Conveyance Under Rule 18.02 - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 13. Complaint for Interpleader and Declaratory Relief - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 14. Motion to Dismiss, Presenting Defenses of Failure to State a Claim, of Lack of Service of Process, and of Lack of Jurisdiction Under Rule 12.02 - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 15. Answer Presenting Defenses Under Rule 12.02 - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 16. Answer to Complaint Set Forth in Form 7, With Counterclaim for Interpleader - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 17. Summons and Complaint Against Third-Party Defendant - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 18. Motion to Intervene as a Defendant Under Rule 24 - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 19. Request for Production of Documents, etc., Under Rule 34 - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 20. Request for Admission Under Rule 36 - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 21. Allegation of Reason for Omitting Party - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 22A. Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver of Service of Summons - Microsoft Word or PDF
Form 22B. Waiver of Service of Summons - Microsoft Word or PDF

Civil Case Type Index (Replaces Form 23)