Sixth Judicial District

Map of Minnesota with Sixth Judicial District counties highlighted

Welcome to the Sixth Judicial District, serving Minnesota's Arrowhead Region in Carlton, Cook, Lake, and St. Louis counties (Duluth, Hibbing, and Virginia). The District Bench includes 16 District Court Judges who are chambered throughout the District. Leslie E. Beiers serves as Chief Judge of the District and is a member of the Judicial Council, which oversees the administration of justice in the state.

Together the judges and court administration staff work to provide just and timely resolution of more than 59,000 case filings each year.

Each county seat in the district has a courthouse; St Louis County has two additional courthouses in Hibbing and Virginia. There is a court administration office for each location and a court administrator responsible for the day to day operation of that system. You can find information such as court calendars, fee schedules, jury information and contact information by selecting the desired location.

Effective July 1, 1959, the Minnesota Judicial Branch was divided into 10 judicial districts for administrative purposes, per MN Statute 2.722. Each district is managed by a Chief Judge and an Assistant Chief Judge, assisted by a District Administrator.


Chief Judge

Honorable Leslie E. Beiers

Assistant Chief Judge

Honorable Rachel C. Sullivan

District Administrator

Sara Taylor

Deputy District Administrator

Hilary Huntley


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